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IMLS Grant Opportunities

Posted by on August 2nd, 2016 Posted in: Announcements

July 28, 2016

IMLS Contact
Giuliana Bullard gbullard@imls.gov


FY 2017 Guidelines Announced for Grants to Boost Library Profession and Improve Field

 September 1 is the first of two FY 2017 deadlines for applications to IMLS 

Washington, DC – The Institute of Museum and Library Services has announced the guidelines for the first round of FY 2017  National Leadership Grants for Libraries (NLG) and Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program (LB21). The NLG program invests in projects that address challenges faced by the library and archive fields and generate results such as new tools, research findings, or models that can be widely used. The LB21 program supports human capital capacity projects for libraries and archives. This call for preliminary proposals has a deadline of September 1, 2016, for both programs. A separate funding opportunity for both programs will be announced in December with a deadline in February 2017.

From the preliminary proposals received in September, IMLS will select applicants and invite them to submit full proposals by January 13, 2016. Applicants who are not invited to continue from the first round of funding may submit new preliminary proposals in February.

As outlined in the 2017 IMLS Congressional Justification, IMLS is especially interested in projects that address the following priorities:

  1. Community Anchors: NLG projects that advance the role of libraries as community anchors that provide civic and cultural engagement, facilitate lifelong learning, promote digital inclusion, and support economic vitality through programming and services. LB21 projects that investigate and build the skills and knowledge of library professionals to support the role of libraries as community anchors that facilitate lifelong learning; enhance civic and cultural engagement; and support economic vitality, through programming and services.
  1. National Digital Platform: NLG projects that create, develop, and expand the social and technical infrastructure and the open source software applications used by libraries and archives to provide digital content and services to all users in the United States. LB21 projects that increase library professionals’ capacity to create, develop, and use the social and technical infrastructure and the open source software applications used by libraries and archives to provide digital content and services to all users in the United States. NDP projects bridge gaps between disparate pieces of the existing digital infrastructure for increased efficiencies, cost savings, access, and services.
  1. Curating Collections: NLG projects that can have a significant national impact on shared services for the preservation and management of digital library collections and content across the country. LB21 projects that increase librarians’ and library professionals’ capacity to create, preserve, manage, and provide access to digital library collections across the country.

Applicants to the LB21 program are required to align their projects with a project category, i.e., National Digital Platform, Community Anchors, or Curating Collections. Projects must also align with a project type, i.e., Pre-Professional; Masters-level and Doctoral-level Programs; Early Career Development; or Continuing Education.

The Sparks! Ignition Grants for Libraries is now a funding category within the National Leadership Grants program, rather than a standalone program. Sparks grants support new tools, products, services, or organizational practices. Sparks preliminary proposals will now be accepted twice a year, instead of full proposals accepted once a year.

See the grant program guidelines for more information about LB21 or NLG programs.

Webinars and Getting Your Questions Answered
Informational webinars will be held on Thursday July 28, at 3:00 PM ET and (repeated) on Monday, August 1, 3PM ET. For more information about the webinars, see the  IMLS Webinar webpage. IMLS is using the Blackboard Collaborate system (version 12.6).

IMLS staff members listed on the NLG and LB21 program pages are available by phone and email to answer general questions related to the programs.

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(508) 856-5985

This has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012347 with the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School.

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