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Region 7 Update February 23rd, 2025
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The NNLM NER Welcomes Year Two!

Posted by on May 2nd, 2017 Posted in: Announcements, NLM

The National Network of Libraries of Medicine, New England Region (NNLM NER) has just entered its second year of this five year (2016-2021) grant award. The NER’s fiscal year runs May 1st – April 30th. This is officially the first week of our new year, 2017-2018, and we have hit the ground running!

The entire NER office just returned from a new employee orientation at the National Library of Medicine (NLM) in Bethesda, MD. As many are aware, the staff of NER is almost entirely new faces. In 2016-2017 Allison Herrera, Susan Halpin, Margot Malachowski, Cheryl Lavallee, and Martha Meacham all joined the NNLM NER. Mary Piorun has moved in the Principal Investigator (Director) role. Our office is not unique. Across all regions there has been a large number of new faces. The orientation at the NLM was an opportunity for everyone new to meet and learn the history and context that surround our work. We also got to hear directly from Dr. Patti Brennan, the new director of the NLM about the vision and direction of that organization. Hint – it is data and precision medicine. We hope to share this new invigorative energy and information throughout our region in the upcoming year.


There were many challenges that faced NNLM NER in the first year of this new five year grant cycle. Not only were most of the staff new, but funding, reporting, administration, and work flows at national level and an office level were all changing as well. We are so appreciative of everyone who helped and was patient during this past year. Our office is committed to continuing to learn and adapt during year two, with a goal of returning to a normal, predictable schedule and routine. So far, we are off to a good start. The NER was able to put out a call for applications for projects to receive funding during 2017-2018, and then complete the review and award process for a project start date of May 1st, 2017. This allows our funded projects a full year to complete their valuable work. We had an amazingly large and diverse number of applications. It was a very difficult and competitive processes. We, unfortunately, were not able to fund every application, but we are so proud of the work that is going on throughout New England. Regardless of whether NER could award financial support, there are some truly inspirational and much needed projects going on. Hopefully, we can continue to work with and support all interested organizations and individuals in the future. We are pleased with the number and scope of awards we are able to fund. We look forward to updating the region on their progress and successes throughout the year.


Funding is just one example of how NER is striving to remain a solid, reliable source for the region. We hope to work during year two (2017-2018) to provide services, trainings, classes, resources, and support in the best way possible for everyone in New England, while also remaining a leader across the country. We are always looking for feedback, ideas, or leaders to help maintain and grow our strong network. We hope you will stay in touch by contacting anyone in the office personally or by following our newsletter, Twitter (@nnlmner), Instagram (@nnlmner), or on Facebook. NNLM NER is excited about the opportunities and possibilities coming up in year two. We hope you are as well, so stay tuned!

Thank you,

Martha Meacham

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NNLM Region 7
University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA 01655
(508) 856-5985

This has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012347 with the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School.

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