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Region 7 Update February 23rd, 2025
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In 2018, I resolve to…

Posted by on December 20th, 2017 Posted in: Commentary, Webinars
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Buone Feste

Definition of Resolve, transitive verb

5: to reach a firm decision about: resolve to get more sleep; resolve disputed points in a text.
Source: Merriam-Webster

In the work world, there are all sorts of “new years”, usually tied to the fiscal or funding cycles of the workplace. When I worked in public libraries, our fiscal year was July 1. At the end of June, we were madly spending money in a use-it-or-lose-it way. At the hospital library where I most recently worked, our fiscal year was October 1. As autumn rolled around, we were identifying our most impressive statistics to share with hospital administrators. Here at NNLM, our funding cycle starts on May 1. Just past our halfway point, this is a great time to decide how we want to finish out our year.

For me, this is a time to reflect on personal work goals. Some of these goals are of the “get more sleep” variety. Methods of pacing myself and staying on task. Other goals are akin to the “resolve disputed points.” The disputes are internal. The times when I inwardly groan, such as needing to take CITI Training once again. Or, when I have to coach myself through facing a new circumstance. Or, when I find myself going toe to toe with my old friend Procrastination.

Upcoming Endeavors

In 2018, I resolve to…

  • Finish developing the Business of Healthcare webinar for January. This webinar is aimed at serving hospital librarians in the New England Region, but open to anyone. Please join us!
  • Deliver the Grants and Proposal Writing webinar in February. Thinking of applying for NNLM funding for our 2018-2019 cycle? This webinar is timed perfectly for you.
  • Co-present NNLM’s Stand Up for Health preconference at the Public Library Association Conference. If you will be in Philadelphia this coming March, let me know.
  • Write and submit the Consumer Column for the Journal of Hospital Librarianship. I have a March/April deadline. Here’s when Procrastination will surely show up.

Wishing you a Healthy and Happy New Year!

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NNLM Region 7
University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA 01655
(508) 856-5985

This has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012347 with the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School.

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