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Region 7 Update February 23rd, 2025
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Using Book Discussions to Support Health Literacy

Posted by on September 25th, 2023 Posted in: Blog, Graphic Medicine, NLM Resources
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As we prepare for health literacy month in October, it seemed a great time to think about what health literacy is and how we can support health literacy through health programming.

What is health literacy?

Health literacy involves the information that people need to be able to make good decisions about health. There are two parts:

  • Personal health literacy is about how well a person can find and understand the health information and services that they need. It is also about using the information and services to make good health decisions.
  • Organizational health literacy is about to how well organizations help people find the health information and services that they need. It also includes helping them use that information to make good health decisions.

Supporting health literacy

There are many ways to support health literacy and one way is to get the conversation started. This could be through collections and book displays to a variety of programming like a story walk with a health theme to hosting health themed book discussions.

Book discussions in your library can be a great way to open up conversations about health and promote health literacy. The NNLM is here to help you start those conversations. Through resources such as the NNLM Reading Club and NNLM Region 7’s Graphic Medicine resources, we have book ideas and discussion guides ready to go to assist with planning your next book club.

“Graphic medicine is the use of comics to tell personal stories of illness and health”

 -From the NLM Traveling Exhibit “Graphic Medicine: Ill-Conceived and Well Drawn!”

If the term graphic medicine is new to you, think about titles such as Key, Kiddo by Jarrett J. Krosoczka or Can’t We Talk about Something More Pleasant?  By Roz Chast. These graphic memoirs are a great way to begin conversations about health.  In addition, for NNLM members in Region 7, we have kits including copies of the books, discussion guides and supporting health information which we will ship to your organization at no cost to you. Just pack up the books in the return envelope after your book discussion.


We are excited to announce that we have two new book club kits being added to our collection on the topics of Alzheimer’s Disease and Migrant Health!    

Tangles: A Story About Alzheimer’s, My Mother, and Me by Sarah Leavitt (2010)

Book Description:  From the publisher: “Sarah Leavitt reveals how Alzheimer’s disease transformed her mother, Midge, and her family forever. In spare black-and- white drawings and clear, candid prose, Sarah shares her family’s journey through a harrowing range of emotions—shock, denial, hope, anger, frustration—all the while learning to cope, and managing to find moments of happiness.”  Here you will find the Alzheimer’s Disease Discussion Guide

The Most Costly Journey: Stories of Migrant Farmworkers in Vermont Drawn by New England Cartoonists, Edited by Marek Bennett, Andy Kolovos, Teresa Mares and Julia Grand Doucet

Book Description: “This non-fiction comics anthology presents stories of survival and healing told by Latin American migrant farmworkers in Vermont, and drawn by New England cartoonists as part of the El Viaje Más Caro Project…aimed at addressing the overlooked mental health needs of these vulnerable immigrants…this collected edition brings the lives and voices–as well as the challenges and hardships–of these workers to an English-language audience, granting insight into the experiences and lives of the people vital to producing the food we eat.” Here you will find the Migrant Health Discussion Guide


Want to learn more about health literacy?

NLM and NNLM have great resources to get you started.

Take a class with NNLM!

Want to learn more about graphic medicine?

NNLM Region 7 has more information about graphic medicine and discussion guides.  NNLM Members in Region 7 can request graphic medicine book club kits: Region 7 Graphic Medicine Information and Book Club Kits

Exhibition Collection and Traveling Exhibit  Graphic Medicine: Ill-Conceived & Well-Drawn! | NLM (nih.gov)






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NNLM Region 7
University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA 01655
(508) 856-5985

This has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012347 with the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School.

NNLM and NETWORK OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE are service marks of the US Department of Health and Human Services | Copyright | HHS Vulnerability Disclosure | Download PDF Reader