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Region 7 Update February 18th, 2025
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Focused Outreach and the Connecticut Library Association Conference – Spotlighting 3 library staff from New Milford Public Library

Posted by on May 30th, 2024 Posted in: Blog
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Each year Region 7 focuses on learning about two geographic regions. This year, we met wonderful library staff as well as many service directors and providers serving Litchfield County, Connecticut. Region 7 was able to provide funding for 5 library staff from Litchfield County libraries to attend the Connecticut Library Association Conference. The following is a guest post from New Milford Public Library. 

Kathy Reilly, Heather Hafer, and Amy Berkun

Kathy Reilly, Heather Hafer, and Amy Berkun

Thanks to the generous grant funding from NNLM, three of our staff members from New Milford Public Library had the unique opportunity to attend the CLA conference in Mystic, CT. This was our first time attending, and it was truly a privilege. The Conference allowed us to hear Michael Threets’ inspiring message about ‘Library Joy.” It also provided a platform to meet librarians and vendors we had previously corresponded with.

Two highlights for our reference and technical librarian involved meeting her new CLA Mentor Program mentor and other colleagues involved with curating Library of Things collections. She appreciated Bennie Finch sharing the NNLM graphic medicine reading club kits and traveling exhibition opportunities and plans to use them at the library.

Photo of conference brochure for the Connecticut Library Association held at the Mystic Marriott and Spa April 29 and 30. Conference logo says "We've got your back".

Our Public Services Librarian found the programming sessions a treasure trove of practical tips. Some tips mentioned included planning quarterly, setting definite deadlines for finalizing proposals, and allowing enough time to advertise for upcoming programs. Two other valuable suggestions were using Facebook events and form emails. She is excited to try the recommended application called Notion to increase overall organization. Collecting feedback and quotes to share with the Library Board was touted as a way to build awareness and support.

Our Library Director found the sessions on the Friends of the Library and the Board of Trustees very helpful. The Conference provided the opportunity to learn how other libraries handled book challenges and policy making. This knowledge has broadened her understanding and offered valuable insights for our library. The suggestions and contacts made at the Conference have instilled a sense of connection with other library professionals and contributed to each staff member’s personal growth and professional development.

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NNLM Region 7
University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA 01655
(508) 856-5985

This has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012347 with the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School.

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