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Region 7 Update March 25th, 2025
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The Region 7 Update is a publication and discussion forum for topics of interest to libraries and community-based organizations in the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Region 7  (NNLM Region 7). Managed by the NNLM Region 7, Region 7 Update offers a communication venue for topical or in-depth content. Shorter news stories and announcements are posted on the Region 7 Weekly Update or the Region 7 social media accounts.

Policies and Procedures

1. Blog Managers

The Region 7 Update blog is managed by Jessica Kilham, in the NNLM Region 7 office. The NNLM Web Services Office provides additional technical assistance as needed.

2. Bloggers

Bloggers must be NNLM Region 7 staff members, NNLM Region 7 Network Members, or invited guests. NNLM Region 7 network members may post to the blog with Region 7 Update blog editor approval.

Award and subcontract recipients are encouraged to share their reports via the Region 7 Update. Submissions will be edited and approved as necessary for publication.

3. Acceptable Use

The Region 7 Update blog is an NNLM Region 7-sponsored tool for use within the Region and for outreach beyond. Bloggers are strongly encouraged to check facts, cite sources, present balanced views, acknowledge and correct errors, and check spelling and grammar before submitting a post.

The NNLM Region 7 reserves the right not to publish any blog post and/or to remove it at a future time.

Blogging of original material is encouraged although the reuse of relevant material with proper citation is acceptable.

4. Feedback and Comments

The Region 7 Update feedback comment system will be open when deemed appropriate by the blog managers. Comments should be relevant to the specific post to which they are attached. Spam, flaming, personal attacks, and off-topic comments are not permitted. The NNLM Region 7 reserves the right to edit and/or delete comments not in keeping with these guidelines.

Blog managers will establish procedures for managing and moderating comments.

5. Additional Information

Please contact Jessica Kilham for additional information about blog policies and procedures, or to submit a blog post for the Region 7 Update.

6. Republishing

Information posted on the blog is in the public domain; however, when republishing NNLM Region 7 blog material, proper citation is expected.

8. Blog Categories

The Region 7 Update blog managers will create and manage blog categories in keeping with the blog’s goals and mission.

9. Branding and Marketing

The Region 7 Update blog will be identified as a publication of the NNLM Region 7. The name chosen for the blog for 2017 is Region 7 Update. The blog managers select the name of the blog with feedback from  Region 7.

Links to the NNLM Region 7 web site and contact information will be clearly identified on the blog. A link to the Region 7 Update blog will be prominently placed on the NNLM Region 7 web site and relevant pages for access and marketing purposes.

NNLM Region 7 coordinators will market the blog and provide members with training in its use as needed.

Note: These blog policies and procedures were adapted from those of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Pacific Northwest Region.

NNLM Region 7
University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA 01655
(508) 856-5985

This has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012347 with the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School.

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