Year 3 Annual Report
Posted by liaison on May 29th, 2024
Posted in: #CC/Academic List, #Health Interest List, #Health Sciences List, #Public/K-12 List
We here at Region 4, along with our fellow regions across the country, wrapped up Year 3 (May 2023-April 2024) at the end of last month and wanted to share our region’s good work! If you are curious to learn more, NNLM Project Director Martha Meecham shared a region-wide Y3 overview earlier this month.
Region 4 By the Numbers
- Top class: Providing Mental Health Information at Your Library with 271 registrants
- Awarded $191K to 25 recipients
- 125 blog posts with 2,741 views
- 44 newsletter issues with 472 subscribers
- 1,171 YouTube views
- 892 Region 4 individuals attended one or more national class offerings
- 109 member consultations reaching 274 people
Region 4’s Top Activities
- 32 conference presentations: 11 MLA/MLA chapter and 21 non-MLA presentations reaching 1,632 individuals.
- Engaged with tribal libraries, including attending meetings/ conferences, listening sessions, and consultations. All R4 states were represented.
- Hosted five R4 Connections webinars featuring topics ranging from artificial intelligence to rural health totaling 977 registrants.
- Supported the National Training Program by teaching 15 national courses.
- Region 4 staff members David Brown and George Strawley co-authored chapters in Health Literacy and Libraries.
- Partnered with the University of Wyoming, MLA chapters (MCMLA & MWC), and MLA Research Training Institute to host three Data Workshops with The Carpentries.
- Through the Consumer Health for Library Students program, 14 students received a CHIS certificate. Eight LIS/iSchool programs are participating, with the University of South Florida and Kent State University joining in Y3, for a total of 12 classes offering CHIS certificates.
- An Emporia State University SLIM student utilized data visualization tools to help us prioritize engagement with professionals working in Medically Underserved Areas.