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Region 5 Blog March 7th, 2025
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2015 Sewell Stipends for the APHA Annual Meeting

Posted by on July 1st, 2015 Posted in: Funding, Public Health, Training & Education

The Sewell Travel Award for Public Health (STAPH) Committee is accepting applications for 2015 Sewell Stipends. The deadline for submission is July 15, 2015.

This year’s APHA meeting will take place in Chicago, IL from October 31 through November 4, 2015. The theme this year is Health in All Policies. For more information on the meeting see APHA’s website (https://www.apha.org/events-and-meetings/annual).

The late Dr. Winifred Sewell worked with several professional associations during her long career in medical and pharmacy librarianship/information technology. This led to her appreciation of the key role that librarians and information professionals can play in raising the quality of health care.Convinced that interacting with public health and pharmacy colleagues would forge a much deeper understanding of the users’ roles and needs, she established the Grace and Harold Sewell Memorial Fund, Inc. (The Fund) to provide financial support to librarians and information providers who plan to attend the annual meetings of the American Public Health Association and the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.

The Fund aims to increase librarians’ effectiveness at providing reliable/relevant information to health care professionals in the fields of public health and pharmacy. To achieve this purpose, the Fund awards reimbursement funds to librarians and other information professionals to defray association membership/registration/travel and per diem expenses of attending and/or participating in activities of the American Public Health Association (APHA).

More information about the Sewell Fund can be found at the following sites:http://www.phha.mlanet.org/blog/2015/sewell-stipend-to-attend-the-apha-annual-meeting-2015-call-for-applicants/


Please consider applying!

Helena M. VonVille, MLS, MPH
Library Director
University of Texas School of Public Health Library Houston, TX  77030
713.500.9131 (office)

Image of the author ABOUT Patricia Devine
Medical Librarian, Network Outreach Coordinator, NN/LM, PNR. I work for a network of libraries and organizations with an interest in health information.

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