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Region 5 Blog September 16th, 2024
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Director’s Insights: Exciting Things Coming Up for Region 5 !

Posted by on May 28th, 2024 Posted in: Funding, Health Equity, News from NNLM Region 5, Training & Education
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The Region 5 team is hard at work creating opportunities for our region to get involved in receiving funding awards, accessing education, and engaging in outreach activities. Here is a quick look at what’s coming up over the next year! 

Funding Region 5 Projects

We always love funding the creative and exciting projects proposed by our members. This year, we will distribute nearly $33,000 to projects engaging our communities in health literacy. Stay tuned to learn more about the projects selected for funding and how they will impact critical populations in our region. 

Guest Posts on the Region 5 Blog

The Region 5 Blog is an excellent resource for staying up to date on NNLM activities in our region. We love to feature our members as authors of guest posts on this blog. It’s a great way to showcase the hard work of your team and highlight interesting projects at your organization. If you’re interested in writing a guest post and getting your work recognized, contact Carolyn Martin. 

Coming Soon: Digital Suggestion Box

We will soon launch a digital suggestion box for our members to communicate with the Region 5 team. This simple form will be available on our website, allowing you to share your ideas and suggestions anonymously. We value your input and want to hear from you! 

Highlighting Health Equity and Diversity in Region 5

We are continuing the well-received PNC-MLA Health Equity and Diversity webinar series this year. This collaboration with the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association provides a platform for regional experts to address increasing health equity through information or increasing health information access and use. Be sure to subscribe to our weekly digest to stay informed on upcoming webinars! 

More NNLM Learning Opportunities

Speaking of upcoming webinars, our Region 5 team will contribute to NNLM training efforts throughout the year, including three additional courses to support Level 2 of the CHIS curriculum. They will also teach free NNLM courses on topics like complementary and integrative health, telehealth in libraries, and the NIH Public Access Policy. 

We are incredibly excited about the upcoming year and all the opportunities for growth, learning, and collaboration. Keep an eye out for more updates, and get ready to be a part of the fantastic things happening in Region 5! 

– Kathryn

Image of the author ABOUT Kathryn Vela
Kathryn Vela is the Executive Director for NNLM Region 5.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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