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Region 5 Blog February 22nd, 2025
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An NNLM RD3 Update

Posted by on December 4th, 2017 Posted in: Data Science, News from NNLM

It’s been almost 6 months since the launch of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine’s new data website, NNLM RD3: Resources for Data-Driven Discovery, and since May, several new features have been added. When the site first launched at MLA 2017, it had only recently transitioned from the New England Region’s eScience Portal for Librarians. Since then, with the very generous assistance of both old and new volunteer content editors, we have updated many of the original physical science and engineering subject primers, and have also added a number of health sciences topics. The subject primers now provide a brief overview of each field followed by data related information, including pertinent articles on big data and data management, metadata, data repositories, and data standards and policies specific to each field.

We have also added a Twitter feed on the NNLM RD3 homepage that links to @NNLM_RD3’s Twitter page and highlights a wide range of data science and data management retweets. Also on the homepage, is a Data Science around the Regions blog feed that links to data related articles from across the NNLM’s eight regions.

In the coming months we are planning to feature information on innovative data librarians and data management initiatives across the country, update and add additional subject guides, reveal the Data Thesaurus, and report on the first cohort of NNLM Training Office’s Biomedical & Health RDM Training for Librarians course. We invite you to continue to explore NNLM RD3 and post your comments and suggests below or on website. RD3 continues to be a work in progress and one that could not exist without the support and expertise of many of our members. We are always on the lookout for content editors, so if you would like to contribute to a new or existing subject primer, or simply suggest a new feature or update, we would love to hear from you.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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