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Region 5 Blog March 9th, 2025
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Goodbye from Alison

Posted by on September 19th, 2011 Posted in: News From NNLM PNR

This post is to say goodbye and thanks for your friendship and support during my 3+ years with NN/LM PNR. This is my last week in the office. I have accepted a position as Clinical Informationist at The Ohio State University, Prior Health Sciences Library, and will begin work there in mid-October. I look forward to exciting new professional challenges and being closer to family.

It’s been quite an adventure! Three months after starting here, I found myself on a cattle ranch outside of Butte, Montana with Laurel Egan and Gail Kouame. They don’t prepare you for that in library school. Big Sky Country is an amazing place where, as I learned, deer and antelope actually do play. It is also home to champion tennis ball-chasing dogs:

champion tennis ball chasing dogs

and to some of the best health sciences librarians anywhere.

I got to be an honorary member of the Oregon Health Sciences Libraries Association. OHSLA hosts what has to be one of the last remaining off-the-grid library conferences. They meet every summer at Silver Falls State Park:

Silver Falls State Park, Oregon

It’s amazing how much networking and learning happens when we all put our smartphones away. (I bet you didn’t expect to hear that from me, did you?)

Then there was the time Sally Bremner showed me her expert winter driving skills, getting us outside of Anchorage in time for me to snap this photo just after the sun went down at 3:45 in the afternoon:

Sunset in Alaska

The staff of the Alaska Medical Library do an incredible job serving the unique health information needs of the largest state in the nation.

I had the pleasure of visiting Idaho three times, most recently last week for the National Association of Local Boards of Health conference, where I was inspired by the dedication of public health workers and volunteers from across the country. Here is beautiful Lake Coeur d’Alene:

Lake Coeur d'Alene

Of course, I also got to live and work in a place that looks like this:

Seattle skyline

with these fine people. If you live in the Pacific Northwest, I don’t have to tell you. This is a very special place to be, and I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to experience life here for awhile. I hope we will stay in touch. Let’s connect on LinkedIn!

Kind regards,

Image of the author ABOUT Alison Aldrich

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