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Region 5 Blog February 22nd, 2025
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Hello from NNLM Region 5 staff: Meet Maddie Romansic

Posted by on August 2nd, 2021 Posted in: Blog, News from NNLM Region 5

Hello! I’m the Program Analyst and Communications Specialist for Region 5 of the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) which includes Alaska, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and the U.S. Territories and Freely Associated States. Our office is situated at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, which is also the city I grew up in and where most of my close family live.

If you’ve emailed our office’s main email address: nnlm@uw.edu you’ve probably gotten a reply from me! I help manage communications in our office via this email and social media channels– of course with much collaboration from my colleagues. You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Aside from that you might find me spending my work hours poring over spreadsheets to track and learn insights about our office’s trainings or other activities, ensuring we follow accessible web & document creation practices, the occasional styling/design for reports and flyers, and learning new tools and software when I get the opportunity. I take care of shipping and mailing, and making sure our office is stocked with supplies. I also make sure our network members get access to Medical Library Association (MLA) webinars. So, a bit of a Jack-of-all-trades!

I am known for bike-commuting to the office in rain-or-shine, an obsession with cats, a passion for snacking, and always having several art projects in progress, which I sometimes bring to work on at lunch time. My officemates are very accepting of my somewhat chaotic workspace, and overuse of exclamation points(!) both in text and in speech 😊. I’m also a math tutor for K-12 students, which I think connects with my love of data/spreadsheets/learning new technical skills.

Maddie holding up a colorful quilt of improvisational curves in warm tones. Background is a blue graffitied wall.

My main interest outside of work is textile arts, spanning many different types over the years, but for the last several years focusing on quilting. To the left is a photo of myself with a quilt I made as part of a raffle to raise funds for a local mutual aid network during the pandemic. (I must give credit to the artist Carole Lyles Shaw from whom I learned how to make this quilt design!)

Thanks for taking the time to get to know a little about me! I’m looking forward to working together!

Image of the author ABOUT Maddie Romansic
Maddie Romansic is the Program Analyst and Communications Specialist for the NNLM Region 5.

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