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Region 5 Blog February 23rd, 2025
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Hello from NNLM Region 5 Staff: Nancy Shin

Posted by on August 12th, 2021 Posted in: New from NNLM Region 5

Greetings NNLM!  My name is Nancy Shin and I’m the Outreach and Data Coordinator for Region 5 of the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM).  NNLM Region 5 includes Alaska, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and U.S. Territories and Freely Associated States.  Currently, I am working from home due to the COVID19 pandemic, but normally you can find me at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington.

Some of you may not know this about me, but I am from Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada – so yes, I’m Korean Canadian!!!

I received my Bachelor ofNancy Shin in Murano, Italy Science (B.Sc.) in the Integrated Sciences concentrating medical genetics and animal biology at the University of British Columbia (UBC); I also received my Master of Library and Information Studies (MLIS) with a focus in health and data librarianship there.  I have been living in the state of Washington for about 4 years now; first in Spokane in 2018, while I worked as the Research Data Management (RDM) Sewell Fund Librarian Fellow at Washington State University’s Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine’s then Technology Incubator.  I moved out to Seattle, Washington January 2019 to work for UW’s NNLM regional medical library as a Research and Data Coordinator!

If you have taken any of NNLM’s data or bioinformatics courses you probably have crossed paths with me!!!  I have taught both NNLM’s RDM 101 and 102 and the big Moodle course Bioinformatics and Biology Essentials for Librarians.  I have also created, and taught courses related to Citizen Science, Genetics 101, and Data Literacy for the Busy Librarian.  On top of the NNLM courses that I teach, I present a lot at conferences such as ones at the Medical Library Association (MLA) and at the Research Data Access and Preservation Association (RDAP).  My subject expertise is in research data management, data visualization, data storytelling, data ethics, and critical appraisal.

In my spare time, I LOVE to travel.  The picture in this blog is of me in Murano, Italy which is known for its historical glass blowing.  I went to Italy and Germany the year I graduated from library school in 2016.  Such a memorable trip!!!  I also love being an “Auntie” and love spending time with my nieces and nephews.  I like to cook, bake, draw, take pictures, read, watch movies, and try out new restaurants wherever I travel!!!

If you have any questions about research or data, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at nkshin1@uw.edu.  I hope that you are enjoying the Region 5 introductions 😊

Image of the author ABOUT Nancy Shin
I received my Bachelor of Science in the Integrated Sciences majoring in medical genetics and animal biology from the University of British Columbia (UBC). I also graduated from UBC's esteemed MLIS program with a focus on health librarianship. In 2018, I was the Research Data Management Sewell Fund Fellow for the Technology Incubator at Washington State University. Currently, I'm the NNLM Region 5's Outreach and Data Coordinator for the University of Washington's Health Sciences Library. In my spare time, I enjoy photography, drawing, cooking and baking, and travelling the world!!!

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