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Region 5 Blog February 22nd, 2025
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Introducing Three New iOS Educational Apps for Students from the National Library of Medicine

Posted by on December 3rd, 2015 Posted in: News from NLM, Technology, Training & Education

The National Library of Medicine‘s (NLM) Division of Specialized Information Services announces the launch of three interactive, educational iOS apps for high school students studying biology, chemistry and environmental health. These free, readily accessible resources assist students with grasping concepts such as DNA base pairing, the Bohr model of the atom and environmental conservation. Two of the iOS apps, Bohr Thru and Base Chase, were developed in collaboration with a high school educator and are easily usable within the biology/chemistry classroom setting. The third game, Run4Green, is a fun and informative learning tool that reinforces concepts relating to environmental conservation and can be used as an engagement extension activity. Each of the three iOS games is iPhone, iPad and iPod touch compatible, and can be freely downloaded (with no in-game purchases) today by visiting the iTunes App Store.

Bohr Thru app, NLM. Bohr Thru: This Candy Crush style game requires users to collect and organize protons, neutrons and electrons in order to form the Bohr Model first 18 elements on the periodic table, such as Carbon, Nitrogen and Lithium. With the help of the main character, Atom, players become familiar with a variety of chemical elements and their structures. Teachers can easily implement short, in-class game sessions to enhance their students’ understanding of the periodic table as well. Visit the National Library of Medicine’s ChemIDplus for more information on over 400,000 chemicals at: http://chem.sis.nlm.nih.gov/chemidplus/
Base Chase app, NLM. Base Chase: Learning the bases of DNA has never been as easy with this fast paced, educational app. Players grab bases of DNA in order to complete unique DNA strands for a variety of animals. DeeNA, the game’s cartoon mascot, assists players in completing each of the required tasks. A helpful video tutorial is accessible once the game is successfully downloaded. This resource goes hand-in-hand with the National Library of Medicine’s GeneEd website at: http://geneed.nlm.nih.gov
Run4Green app, NLM. Run4Green: The importance of environmental conservation is reinforced through this interactive, Mario- style game. Topics, such as greenhouse gas reduction, renewable energies and green product purchases are emphasized throughout game play. Playing as a jolly, green and earth-shaped character, users collect coins and perform environmentally friendly tasks. The game is appropriate for students in grades 5-8. More information linking middle school classroom science to environmental health can be found on the National Library of Medicine Environmental Health Student Portal at: http://kidsenvirohealth.nlm.nih.gov

Visit the NLM K-12 homepage at http://sis.nlm.nih.gov/outreach/k12.html for additional resources.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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