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Resolve to Learn More about PubMed

Posted by on December 15th, 2010 Posted in: News From NNLM PNR, Training & Education

illustration of a brain with PubMed logo superimposed

Image adapted from Brain Vocab Sketch by labguest on flickr

This January, NN/LM PNR will offer two online opportunities for you to learn more about PubMed, the National Library of Medicine’s free, comprehensive index to the biomedical journal literature. Whether you’re a librarian or would just like to know how to search PubMed like one, we hope you’ll get out that 2011 calendar and save the following dates.

PubMed Update RML Rendezvous
January 19, 1-2 PM Pacific (2 to 3 pm Mountain, noon to 1pm Alaska)

January’s RML Rendezvous hour will be a PubMed update presented by Alison Aldrich, NN/LM PNR’s Technology Outreach Coordinator. This update will cover tweaks and changes to the PubMed interface that have been introduced over the past several months.

Visit theĀ Rendezvous website to connect to this free webcast. There’s no need to RSVP. Like all RML Rendezvous webcasts, this one will be recorded and made available for later viewing. For more information please visitĀ How do I connect to the Rendezvous? to test your computer connection as a recent Flash update may be needed.

Making PubMed Work for You
January 24 – February 11

This online class is mainly for beginners to PubMed and for library assistants and technicians who would like to learn more about PubMed search strategies. It is taught through an online course management system, Moodle. There are no required online meetings. Participants will discuss concepts, run searches, and view PowerPoint presentations, videos and websites at their convenience. The course is meant to be completed over 3 or 4 weeks. Participants should plan to spend about an hour each week working on assignments.

Making PubMed Work for You is approved for 3 hours of MLA Continuing Education credit. It was developed by Kay Deeney in the NN/LM Pacific Southwest Region and is making its Pacific Northwest debut next month. Alison Aldrich will be the course moderator.

Please RSVP for Making PubMed Work for You by completing this registration survey. Priority registration will be given to residents of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington, but others are welcome to join us as space allows.

Image of the author ABOUT Alison Aldrich

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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