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Region 5 Blog February 22nd, 2025
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Keep Up with Continuing Education On-Demand

Posted by on May 11th, 2023 Posted in: Consumer Health, Data Science, Education, Training & Education

Did you know that NNLM offers over 25 free, On-Demand classes to support continuing education for a variety of users, on a range of topics, and in support of multiple specializations? These self-paced classes run from one to six credit hours; can be accessed at any time; and are designed to be taken at the learner’s preferred pace. And while the opportunity to work towards a specialization is a perk, it’s by no means a requirement– anybody can take an On-Demand class for any reason! We’ve highlighted a few of these classes and potential use-cases below. Please consider sharing the full catalog with your community, or even selecting a few courses that you know might be relevant to them!

Illustration of woman seated on the ground with a laptop on a tray and cat nearby

Environmental Health and Justice: A Brief Primer

This self-paced online class provides an introduction to environmental health and environmental justice and presents three resources you can use to find data and statistics about environmental health disparities in your community.

Addressing environmental determinants of health is one of NNLM’s priority initiatives. If you work in an academic institution, this may be a great resource to share with educators and students working in this area. If you work in a public library or community-based organization, this may help you tailor your outreach and information efforts on this topic.

MedlinePlus Tutorial for Librarians and Health Educators

This interactive, narrated tutorial provides a tour of the MedlinePlus website and explains why MedlinePlus is a trusted reference when answering health information questions. This tutorial takes about one hour to complete. This is a fantastic resource for anyone providing consumer health information: nurses, librarians, community health workers, social workers, health educators, patient advocates, the list goes on and on!

Common Data Elements: Standardizing Data Collection

Making data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) starts well before data collection. Designing studies with common data elements (CDEs) can enable data sharing and reuse, and librarians and other information professionals can assist researchers in the use of CDEs. Whether you are a research data librarian or assist researchers in finding sources, this one-hour, self-paced course from the National Library of Medicine can help you understand how you can support the use of common data elements (CDEs) in creating FAIR data.

If you’ve got ideas for future On-Demand classes you’d like to see, let us know at nnlm@uw.edu!

Image of the author ABOUT Liz Morris
Liz Morris is an Outreach & Access Coordinator with NNLM Region 5. She believes accessible and reliable health information is critical to promote health literacy and improve health equity. She's particularly interested in medical humanities and translational science.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

NNLM and NETWORK OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE are service marks of the US Department of Health and Human Services | Copyright | HHS Vulnerability Disclosure | Download PDF Reader