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Region 5 Blog March 30th, 2025
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Sign Up to Receive Updates about New NNLM Training Opportunities

Posted by on August 17th, 2023 Posted in: Training & Education
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The Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) offers free classes and webinars on health information topics. All classes and webinars are free to attend (registration is required), are open to all, and many offer free continuing education credits for public health (CHES) and library (MLA CE, CHIS, DSS) audiences. While we list some of these opportunities in our newsletter, The Weekly Digest, we can’t list all the excellent opportunities available each week. We don’t have enough space! You can check our training calendar to keep track of upcoming classes and webinars. Or, you can sign up to receive weekly email updates from NNLM about upcoming training opportunities. To sign up for email updates, follow these 6 steps:


Step 1: Login to your NNLM.gov user account with your username and password.

(If you don’t have a user account, create one. For additional help creating a user account, see Consumer Health Minute: Creating an NNLM User Account).

To login to your N.N.L.M. account, navigate to the Login button on the website.


Step 2: After logging in, select Update my Profile.

After logging in to NNLM.gov, navigate to "Update my Profile."


Step 3: In your profile, click the Edit my Account Settings button.

In your profile, select the button labeled Edit my Account Settings.


Step 4: Scroll down the to bottom of the page, to the heading Digest Subscriptions. Next to New Classes from the Network of the National Library of Medicine, check the box.

Step 5 (optional): Under the heading Locale Settings, review your time zone. This will ensure that the class time displays in your time zone when you are logged into NNLM.gov.

Step 6: Save.

Scroll down to the heading Digest Subscriptions and select New Classes from the Network of the National Library of Medicine. Review your time zone settings. Save.

Now, once a week, you’ll receive a list of new classes available from the NNLM.



Image of the author ABOUT Emily Hamstra
Emily Hamstra is the Assistant Director of NNLM Region 5.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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