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Region 5 Blog February 23rd, 2025
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Recap: September 21, 2021 NNLM Region 5 Listens Session

Posted by on October 7th, 2021 Posted in: Blog, News from NNLM Region 5
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Hello everyone! Thank you for your interest in our recent NNLM Region 5 Listens Session. In follow-up, we’re sharing questions and answers that came up as well as some URLs to resources that were mentioned during our time together either during discussion or shared via chat. Here we go!

Questions and Answers

Q: Who do we contact when Docline is not working?

Please contact Region 5 DOCLINE Support: docline@uw.edu.  Emily Hamstra, NNLM Region 5 Outreach & Access Coordinator, is your DOCLINE liaison.

Q: How can a (small) public library participate in resource sharing, either directly (DOCLINE) or indirectly (through a medical library)?

Please see:

DOCLINE Participation Requirements (https://www.nlm.nih.gov/docline/doclineguidelines.html)

More info about interlibrary loan options available from the National Library of Medicine

Q: Would you please review all support you provide for hospital librarians?

NNLM Region 5 provides support through:

  • NNLM training opportunities
  • Funding opportunities. NNLM Region 5 has announced the following funding opportunities: Technology Equity Award  Letter of intent due 10-1-21 at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. Applications due 10-15-21 at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. Environmental Health Outreach Award  Letter of intent due 10-1-21 at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. Applications due 10-15-21 at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. Professional Development Awards coming soon! Watch for our announcement.
  • PNC-MLA is planning a panel session focusing on hospital librarians at their annual conference, Nov. 4-5, 2021. More information will be posted on the PNC-MLA conference information website. The conference is free and open to anyone in NNLM Region 5. Registration opens October 4, 2021.
  • Coming up on December 9, 2021 NNLM will host a webinar: Ransomware Attacks: What Medical Librarians Need to Know

Q: Like to address, clearing the “clap-trap” and the garbage information being perpetuated within communities. Audience: rural, older adults, college, or any health consumer.

NNLM Region 5 is deeply concerned about misinformation. Here are two resources on misinformation that offer practical steps to help address it:

 Q: Resource for culturally and linguistically appropriate health information?

  • Ethnomed provides information about cultural beliefs, medical issues and other topics related to the health care of immigrants to the US, many of whom are refugees. Try the Clinical https://ethnomed.org/Topics (For Patients) section.

Q: Are there any patient-friendly resources for the ClinicalTrials.gov website?

  • MedlinePlus has patient-facing Clinical Trials information on its Clinical Trials page.
  • ClinicalTrials.gov is undergoing a modernization effort. NLM will host a webinar: ClinicalTrials.gov Modernization on October 7, 2021, from 10:30 to 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time for an update on this effort. For those who are unable to join the live webinar, a recording and slides will be available. Want to attend? Register here.

Q: Does NLM do any advocacy (have a seat at the table) for policies regarding broadband expansion and internet access?

  • There are conversations identifying these needs, including telemedicine, within NIH.

Q: How to stay up-to-date on NNLM Region 5 news and announcements?

From the Padlet discussion on A World of Health Information Resources:

Q: What are the topics for which you need health information resources?

The top 5 responses fell into these categories:

  1. LGBTQ Healthcare/LGBTQI+/Intersectional Identities and Health Information/Transgender Health
  2. Sexual/Reproductive Health
  3. Medical Misinformation (see resources noted above)
  4. Understanding Health Disparities
  5. Vaccine Hesitancy

Q: Who is your intended audience or audiences?

The top 5 responses fell into these categories:

  1. Public Libraries/General Public
  2. Residents/Clinical Faculty
  3. Medical Students
  4. Academic Libraries – Graduate and Undergraduate
  5. Local Community

Q: In what languages do you need health information resources?

The top 5 responses fell into these categories:

  1. Spanish
  2. Information in gender inclusive language particularly relating to pregnancy & childcare. Potentially relevant resources:
  3. ASL
  4. English
  5. Tied results for: Thai/Lao and Tagalog

Q: What format would best reach your intended audience(s)?

The top 5 responses fell into these categories:

  1. Paper (not everyone has good internet connection)
  2. Visual infographics or even memes
  3. Stories, not just facts.  A participant shared this example: https://www.elsolnec.org/news-and-media/covid-19-response/
  4. Influencers – whether these are celebrities or the organizer of the church prayer group
  5. Online

As a reminder, our next NNLM Region 5 Listens Session is scheduled for Tuesday, October 19 at 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time | 2:00 p.m. Alaska | 12:00 p.m. HST | 11:00 a.m. SST (American Samoa) | September 22, 8:00 a.m. ChST (Guam). Our discussion topic will be: Strength through Community Partnerships. To attend, register here.


Image of the author ABOUT Michele Spatz
Michele is the NNLM Region 5 Outreach and Engagement Coordinator. She has extensive experience providing consumer health information and a passion for health literacy. Michele truly believes, "Because of you, Libraries Transform.®"

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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