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Midwest MLA Tech Topic – Realizing Medicine: How Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are Impacting Medical Practice and Education.

Posted by on November 29th, 2017 Posted in: Blog, Conferences and Meetings, Technology

Kellie Kaneshiro, Jason Lilly and Jennifer Herron present Realizing Medicine: How Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality are Impacting Medical Practice and Education.

Kellie Kaneshiro, Jason Lilly and Jennifer Herron present Realizing Medicine: How Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality are Impacting Medical Practice and Education.

This fall, like many times before, the GMR planned and organized a technology session at Midwest MLA. The 2017 annual conference, held in Ypsilanti, MI, in October, was a joint meeting with the Michigan Health Sciences Libraries Association. The GMR Technology Working Group, one of several Advisory Groups the GMR calls upon to assist in the implementation of projects and services, helped pull together a great program. This year’s team included Ethan D Cutler, Western Michigan University, MI; Jennifer Herron, Indiana University, IN; Stacey Knight-Davis, Eastern Illinois University, IL; and Donald Pearson, Mount Carmel Health Sciences Library, OH.

This year’s approach was a little different from the Tech Forum of the past. The GMR sponsored three panelists from Indiana University Ruth Lilly Medical Library on the topic of virtual and augmented reality, Realizing Medicine: How Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are Impacting Medical Practice and Education. Kellie Kaneshiro, the Assistant Director for Library Technology for the Ruth Lilly Medical Library, spoke on Virtual reality in medical education and health sciences libraries. Jennifer Herron, the Emerging Technologies Librarian for Ruth Lilly, presented on Augmented reality in health care. Library Systems Analyst, Jason Lilly, shared his knowledge of Virtual reality in health care.

Thanks to the initiative of Don Pearson and the generosity of Amy O’Keefe at EBSCO, attendees were eligible to enter a drawing for a VIEW-MASTER Deluxe VR Viewer. Karen Hanus of the Medical College of Wisconsin, was the lucky winner.

Through the use of Zoom software, the presentation was recorded and is available for view online. Thanks to the planners, presenters, and hosts for making the 2017 Tech Topic a success.


GMR Tech Topic 2017: Realizing Medicine: How Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality are Impacting Medical Practice and Education.

GMR Tech Topic 2017: Realizing Medicine: How Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality are Impacting Medical Practice and Education.

Image of the author ABOUT hspielbauer
Helen Spielbauer has been a library assistant at Hardin Library for the Health Sciences for the past two years and has recently started filling in temporarily in the GMR office part-time. She lives in Tipton, Iowa and spends her time fixing up her old house, going for bike rides, drawing & painting and spending time with her 13 year old daughter.

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This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Grant Number 1UG4LM012346 with The University of Iowa.

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