Posted by Derek Johnson on February 27th, 2019
Posted in: Consumer Health, Funding, Public Libraries, Success Stories, Training
Despite the frigid cold and mounds of snow in Wisconsin, the GMR-funded project Health Online: Finding Information You Can Trust is picking up steam! Through this project, Wisconsin Health Literacy is offering 32 “digital health literacy” workshops for consumers most at risk for low health literacy.
Attendees learn about digital health literacy at a recent workshop presented by Wisconsin Health Literacy
Although weather has forced some workshops to be rescheduled, the project has seen initial success with over 40 residents receiving training on searching for trustworthy health information, evaluating sources, navigating mobile vs. computer, and finding sites in other languages.
“I’ve used a computer, but have never searched like this before. This was really helpful.” – Workshop Participant
“I don’t use computers, but my daughter looks stuff up for me. Now I can know what to tell her to do and where to go.” – Workshop Participant
Over the coming months, Wisconsin Health Literacy will provide more than 20 additional workshops, in addition to special train-the-trainer sessions with public library staff to provide resources that will help community members find reliable and trustworthy health information online.
The GMR is also helping support Wisconsin Health Literacy’s upcoming Health Literacy Summit. Be sure to check out the Summit’s webpage to learn more and register! Early bird registration ends March 1st!