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Region 6 Blog February 23rd, 2025
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UC Libraries and IT@UC Partner to Bring Renowned NLM Data Scientist to Campus

Posted by on November 5th, 2019 Posted in: Blog, Data Science, From the GMR, Funding, News from the Region, Success Stories

By Melissa Previtera and Don Jason

On September 17th and 18th, Dr. Lisa Federer, Data and Open Science Librarian for the National Library of Medicine (NLM), visited the University of Cincinnati as part of the Data and Computational Science Series (DCS2).

During her visit, Dr. Federer shared her expertise in the field of biomedical research data and data visualization through a lecture, a hands-on workshop, and meetings with various data and informatics leaders.

Dr. Federer’s lecture “If You Share it, Will They Come? Quantifying and Characterizing Reuse of Biomedical Research Data” encouraged individuals to think about how they are not only sharing and reusing data but how patterns of reuse can influence curation and preservation. She presented her talk in the Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Profession’s Stanley J. Lucas, MD Board Room. Dr. Federer hosted a luncheon at the same venue. During the luncheon, she answered questions about her lecture and had in-depth conversations with UC faculty and researchers.

Lisa Federer engaged with participant learning

After the luncheon, Dr. Federer taught a hands-on workshop titled “Endless Forms Most Beautiful: Creating Customized Data Visualization with ggplot2 in R.” The workshop was held in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library’s Dr. Stanley B. Troup Learning Space. The workshop addressed the importance of clear communication, effective visualizations, and accessibility for colorblind individuals. Dr. Richard Johansen, Data Visualization Specialist, and Mark Chalmers, Science Librarian, served as teaching assistants for the workshop.

During Dr. Federer’s time in Cincinnati, she served as the keynote speaker for the Cincinnati Area Health Sciences Library Association’s (CAHSLA) annual meeting and served as a guest speaker at the UC Libraries Faculty Meeting. She presented a talk titled “Beyond the Data Management Plan: Expanding Roles for Librarians” to both audiences. This talk gave a synopsis of emerging data science competencies for the library workforce. The talk provided a roadmap of trainings, webinars and classes librarians could complete in order to gain these professional skills.

Dr. Federer’s visit was a huge success – bringing together attendees from a variety of academic disciplines and research interests. The DCS2 planning committee hopes Dr. Federer’s visit starts conversations, expands professional networks and is the catalyst for future collaborations.

Don Jason, Health Informationist, served as site coordinator for Dr. Federer’s visit. He received logistical support from Melissa Previtera, HSL/ Winkler Center Term Librarian, Assami Semde, HSL Circulation Desk Coordinator, and Lori Harris, Interim Director of the Health Sciences Library.

The DCS2 planning committee would like to thank Dr. Federer for sharing her extensive knowledge and skills with the UC community. The committee would also like to thank UC Libraries’ Research & Data Services, the UC Digital Scholarship Center, and the UC Institute for Interdisciplinary Data Science, for meeting with Dr. Federer during her visit. Finally, we would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to the Office of the Provost for funding the DCS2.

The DCS2 is a collaboration between UC Libraries and IT@UC. The series provides the UC research community with innovative workshops and distinguished speakers on advanced research data topics. Please visit the DCS2 Website to register for upcoming lectures and training sessions.
The NNLM is grateful for the outreach and engagement work of our NNLM members. If you have a program or project to share, please email us at gmr-lib@uiowa.edu.

Image of the author ABOUT Darlene Kaskie
Darlene Kaskie, M.L.S. is Community Engagement and Outreach Specialist for Region 6 of the Network of the National Library of Medicine. She connects communities to training, engagement, and funding to improve access to health information and NLM Resources such as MedlinePlus. Advancing health literacy and digital skills training helps people make informed decisions about their health. She earned her Consumer Health Information Specialization (CHIS) from the Medical Library Association.

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This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Grant Number 1UG4LM012346 with The University of Iowa.

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