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Region 6 Blog March 28th, 2025
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Transition Updates from Region 6

Posted by on May 26th, 2021 Posted in: Blog, From the GMR, General, News from the Region

As many of you have discovered over the past few weeks, NNLM is undergoing some significant changes. Martha Meacham, NNLM’s Project Director, provided a nice overview of these changes during NNLM Day @ MLA’21. I encourage you to view the slides and recording (once posted) from her presentation if you missed it!

In the next few weeks, you’ll also be able find a recording of Region 6’s update. During our session, we had the opportunity to share about our strategic vision for the RML over the next five years.

In the meantime, we wanted to update everyone on some questions that we’ve been receiving:

  1. I noticed the website still refers to the old region names. What gives?
    As NNLM begins its new 5-year funding cycle, the office that manges the website has changed host locations (Pittsburgh to Baltimore). There’s been a significant amount of work taking place to transfer servers and technology for the past month. We expect by mid-June that a new NNLM web experience will launch.


  1. When will courses and webinars start taking place?
    Some regional webinars will start happening in June, but most courses won’t launch until sometime in July after the new website and registration system is up and running. We encourage you to check out NNLM’s YouTube page to view recordings of past webinars!


  1. I’m trying to get my Consumer Health Information Specialization (CHIS), but there aren’t live courses. Can I get it from watching the recorded webinars?
    Yes! A select number of recorded webinars are eligible. Check out this CHIS Learning Plan (PDF) for more details.


  1. Our library participated in the GMR Reciprocal Group (GMRRG) through DOCLINE. What’s happening with the group now that the GMR is Region 6?
    The GMRRG is actually not an official RML/NNLM group. It was set up as an optional group years ago and has remained a popular group for lending among libraries within the previous 10-state region. We are working to help identify someone to take the lead of this group and manage it moving forward.


  1. Speaking of DOCLINE, what’s happening there?
    As part of the new NNLM, some DOCLINE activities are moving back into the region. Each RML has a designated individual to serve on NNLM’s DOCLINE Coordinate Committee (DCC). While things are just getting started, we’ll be able to provide more updates as the DCC forms. In the meantime, if you have any DOCLINE questions, please send them to: Region6-RML@uiowa.edu We’ll route to the appropriate person!


  1. What about NLM print lending or scanning? We’re having to turn down requests from researchers because NLM has the only copies, and we can’t access them.
    Unfortunately, we don’t have any updates on when ILL staff at NLM will return to their work spaces. You can write to NLM’s Help Desk for more information: https://support.nlm.nih.gov/support/create-case/


  1. We’re interested in securing funding through NNLM. Is Region 6 offering subawards this year?
    We sure are! Check out this blog post to learn more.


  1. So, what’s new with Region 6? Can we hear more about your plans for the next year and beyond?
    We have some exciting new plans for the five years, but you’ll also notice familiar faces and a continued commitment to serving the needs of our members. We’ll be offering a Region 6 Update on June 23 at 2:00 CT/3:00 ET. Here, you can learn more about our team, hear about our plans for the next year, and ask questions and provide feedback. We hope you can join us! More details will be posted via our Weekly E-Newsletter.


  1. My question wasn’t on this list. How can I get in touch?
    Please e-mail our office at Region6-RML@uiowa.edu


  1. How can I make sure I’m in the know with what’s happening at Region 6 and NNLM?
    First, make sure you’re subscribed to our Weekly E-Newsletter. Once subscribed, you can also sign up for our targeted monthly newsletters focused on health professionals, public librarians, and academic and health sciences librarians. You can also keep up with us on Facebook and Twitter!

Image of the author ABOUT Miles Dietz-Castel
Miles Dietz-Castel is the Communication Specialist for the NNLM Region 6 Office.

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This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Grant Number 1UG4LM012346 with The University of Iowa.

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