Posted by Darlene Kaskie on March 24th, 2023
Posted in: Blog
Multilingualism and multiculturalism invite us to cooperate, especially through efficient communication and cultural awareness and empathy. It paves the way to better problem-solving and deepened learning from various perspectives. Cultural diversity benefits everyone.
By broadcasting in multiple languages, including English, TPT NOW helps boost community resiliency with health, safety, weather, traffic and emergency content for diverse audiences. WatchLive
The Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) values diversity and inclusion to advance health information equity so people can make informed decisions about their health. Recognizing TPT NOW, a public service streaming channel of Twin Cities Public Television, for its shared mission, Region 6 awarded them up to $20,000 to develop culturally relevant infographics and videos to improve access to reliable, actionable health information specific to historically marginalized communities in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area.
TPT NOW searched MedlinePlus, a free and easy-to-use, consumer health information resource from the National Library of Medicine. Then they collaborated with their community stakeholders to prepare public service announcements in different languages including Spanish, Hmong, Somali and English. The videos and graphics were broadcast on their 24/7 streaming channel along with weather and safety information and were distributed to local community media such as Somali TV, Hmong TV, and Univision-MN.
When messages are tailored to align with the communication styles of cultural groups, audiences are more likely to trust the message and take action. (FEMA, 2019)
Now the best news of all. The same infographics and videos are publicly available for you to use in your own community!
Using NNLM Multilingual Health Media, you will discover:
So enhance engagement and access to MedlinePlus and explore more resources for multilingual and multicultural health information using MedlinePlus: Health Information in Multiple Languages.
Acknowledgement is given to Lillian McDonald, Managing Director of TPT NOW at Twin Cities PBS (TPT), Sydney Gisvold, Cultural and Community Media Specialist, and Claire Elder, Senior Development Officer.
Development of NNLM Multilingual Health Media is credited to Jacqueline Leskovec and Miles Dietz-Castel of NNLM Region 6 and the National Website Services Office at the University of Maryland, Baltimore.