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Midwest Matters September 19th, 2024
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NNLM Region 6 Announces Darlene Kaskie as the new Associate Director

Posted by on September 9th, 2024 Posted in: Blog

I’m pleased to announce Darlene Kaskie as the Associate Director for the NNLM Region 6. Darlene has worked with the NNLM for eight years and has managed over $1.0M in federal subawards, led teams to advance our regional goals and national priorities, and strategically developed innovative and inclusive programs. Darlene was instrumental in establishing the NNLM Reading Club program as well as establishing the NNLM Telehealth interest group. As a community engagement and outreach specialist, Darlene was involved in both NNLM Region 6 Discovery podcasts, Canary in the Coal Mine and Period Poverty. She has overseen many outreach subawards focusing on health information literacy, misinformation, and the digital divide. Darlene created the Community Guide to Advance Health Information Equity, a translational data tool with health information about our region broken down by state and county. Finally, Darlene worked with other staff to create the new Health Information Student Internship program which uses the Community Guide as a learning tool for the internship. As a member of the NNLM All of Us Program she created and implemented the Ambassador program, designed to target larger library systems serving underrepresented in biomedical research communities. The program was used as a model for other regions designing outreach programs for the NNLM All of Us program.

As the Associate Director, Darlene will provide leadership in the development of new initiatives as well as oversee the continuation of on going activities of the Region in cooperation with the NLM and other NNLM regional medical libraries, offices, and centers. Please join me in congratulating Darlene on her new role.

— Linda Walton, Principal Investigator NNLM Region 6, NAPC

Image of the author ABOUT Miles Dietz-Castel
Miles Dietz-Castel is the Communication Specialist for the NNLM Region 6 Office.

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This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Grant Number 1UG4LM012346 with The University of Iowa.

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