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Region 7 Update February 23rd, 2025
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HLAG Seeking Advanced Skills…

Posted by on May 23rd, 2017 Posted in: Announcements, Trainings

Hospital Libraries Advisory Group (HLAG) seeking advanced skills, survival techniques in evolving healthcare environment

desk with books and an open laptop

On Mon, May 8, 2017, NNLM NER convened an online meeting of the Hospital Libraries Advisory Group (HLAG). Our goal was to gauge the interests of regional hospital librarians before developing NNLM training opportunities for our 2017-2018 fiscal year. In preparation for this meeting, we distributed a survey to identify hot topics. Library closures and hospital mergers are foremost on the minds of hospital librarians. The needs of solo librarians, the impact of library closures on DOCLINE/ILL, and the trend toward virtual libraries are top concerns as well.

The HLAG meeting included an overview of the results from a recently released National Training Office (NTO) Training Needs Assessment. These results pointed to a national interest in honing skills in evaluating outreach activities, learning about open science and data extraction, and gaining advanced skills in searching NLM databases. We reviewed all of these results to identify the best areas for NNLM NER to provide support. We talked about best methods (webinars, in-person events, newsletter items) to engage hospital librarians in learning opportunities.

In response to the HLAG meeting, NNLM NER is developing a schedule of three webinars and one in-person event. New NNLM DOCLINE Coordinator Erin Latta will give us an update on DOCLINE during a webinar in July 2017. Erin, a New Hampshire native, works out of the NNLM Southeastern/Atlantic Region. She will bring an understanding of the New England environment to her presentation.

In September 2017, we will be scheduling an Advanced Search Skills webinar with Rebecca Brown from the National Training Office. Rebecca is an experienced technology instructor. She will teach us advanced techniques in using MeSH to find information on drug and pharmacological actions.

NNLM NER is looking into presenters for a Business of Healthcare webinar in January 2018. We are particularly interested in hearing from someone who will speak about the business decisions of mergers and the elimination of jobs in the healthcare market. We want to better understand the circumstances that we are all facing. Lastly, we are planning on hosting an in-person event at UMass Medical School in March 2018 to discuss the how-to’s of creating a Virtual Library.

NNLM NER hopes this suite of learning opportunities meets the needs our New England hospital librarians. We will update you on the specifics as our plans solidify.

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Network National of Libraries of Medicine, Region 7

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NNLM Region 7
University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA 01655
(508) 856-5985

This has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012347 with the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School.

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