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Region 7 Update March 29th, 2025
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Back-to-School for Hospital Librarians

Posted by on August 23rd, 2017 Posted in: Announcements, Trainings
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1947 Vocational Classroom

[Metropolitan Vocational High School, New York, N.Y., ca. July 1947] (Library of Congress)

We still have a few hot and sticky days ahead in New England, yet the stores are full of back-to-school items and some children are climbing onto school buses next week. Here at NNLM NER, we are putting together a list of opportunities for hospital librarians who are looking for continuing education.

Advanced MeSH Techniques

On Sept 19, 2017, we are offering an Advanced Search Skills webinar with Rebecca Brown from the National Training Office. Rebecca is an experienced technology instructor. She will be teaching advanced techniques in using MeSH to find information on drug and pharmacological actions.

After Rebecca’s presentation, we will take 10 minutes to discuss crafting an “Aim for Excellence” elevator speech for hospital librarians with advanced search skills. We hope this segment will help build the confidence necessary for self-promotion.

Cannot attend the live webinar? Please register anyways. We will send you the link to the recording.

Did you miss the DOCLINE Update?

Erin Latta, National DOCLINE Coordinator, delivered an update for specifically for the New England Region. Much of the information shared is available on the NDCO website. Erin acknowledged the decline in DOCLINE usage. University health sciences libraries are shifting their interlibrary loan services to OCLC to align with other discipline-specific requests. Sixty percent of DOCLINE users are hospital librarians. For these libraries, the decline of usage is due to point-of-care tools and availability of open/public access articles.

One interesting trend is a re-imagining of Loansome DOC. Initially created to support unaffiliated health care providers with a source of interlibrary loan services, Loansome DOC is attracting a new user… hospital librarians! Those who no longer have the capacity to lend are moving onto Loansome DOC to obtain articles for their institutions. Erin is happy to speak with hospital librarians considering this shift.

Solo Hospital Librarians

During the DOCLINE Update, Erin spoke briefly about the impact of licensing agreements on borrowing and lending journal articles. Negotiating with vendors is such a challenge, particularly for solo librarians. The Medical Library Association recently announced the formation of a Solo Librarians Special Interest Group (Solo SIG). Louise McLaughlin, MSLS at Women’s Hospital in Baton Rouge, LA and Ellen Aaronson, MLS, AHIP at West Hills Medical Center in West Hills, CA are the co-conveners. The purpose of this SIG is to provide an opportunity for support, help and professional development. NNLM South Central Region is hosting monthly Solo SIG chats through WebEx. MLA members are encouraged to participate.


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NNLM Region 7
University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA 01655
(508) 856-5985

This has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012347 with the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School.

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