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Region 7 Update March 31st, 2025
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Date prong graphic

Resource Round-Up: New England Graphic Medicine ComicCon

Posted by on April 22nd, 2019 Posted in: Graphic Medicine
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Image: Poster boards with art produced by New England Graphic Medicine ComicCon attendees.

Art produced by New England Graphic Medicine ComicCon attendees.

As part of NNLM NER’s ongoing commitment to supporting the integration and expansion of graphic medicine in the outreach work of our partners, NER hosted the very well received New England Graphic Medicine ComicCon on April 10.

If you couldn’t attend or want a refresher on some of the resources presented, check out the links below to get caught up.  And thank you to all of our presenters for contributing to a successful and educational day.

Vermont’s own Rachel Lindsay started the day off by walking attendees through the process of creating her book Rx and the thought that went into all of the design choices from panel placement and lettering to character design. Listen to Rachel discuss her book at an event earlier in the month at Harvard.

Brittany Netherton and Matthew Noe (Matthew’s slides) shared their experiences creating and maintaining graphic medicine collections at their institutions and opened the session up to discussion.  Check out the links below for useful resources they shared:

Interested in ways to include graphic medicine programs in the work you do?  Alice Jaggers, University of Arkansas Medical School, and Marissa Gauthier, UConn Health Center Library, shared their own experiences planning and implementing graphic medicine programming.  For ideas and best practices, download Marissa’s slides here.

A. David Lewis talked about creating a graphic medicine course, lessons learned, best practices and possible barriers. And he streamed it live, too. Check out the recording here.  He also makes his course presentations available on Youtube.  Check out the first presentation and find others on his Youtube channel.

To see what attendees had to say, check out the #NEGraphicMedCon tag on twitter or the round-up post by Jerry Kauppila from NNLM PSR.

If you weren’t able to attend, but are interested in giving feedback on ways NNLM NER can support graphic medicine, you can fill out the three question survey here: https://forms.gle/oW7bTW9VmHpbYrF26

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NNLM Region 7
University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA 01655
(508) 856-5985

This has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012347 with the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School.

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