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Region 7 Update July 27th, 2024
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Posts by tag: science librarians

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DOCLINE Routing Tables

Posted by on February 12th, 2024 0 comments Tags: , ,

Are you ready for Spring Cleaning? With a bit of tidying up, you can keep DOCLINE running efficiently for your library. DOCLINE® is the National Library of Medicine’s interlibrary loan (ILL) request routing system. ​The purpose of the system is to provide efficient document delivery service. ​Tutorials and the manual are available online. DOCLINE finds potential lenders for ILL requests via… Read More »

Posted in: NLM Resources



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Member Spotlight: Lara Lasner-Frater

Posted by on May 8th, 2023 0 comments Tags: , , ,

If you had 25 hours in a day, what would you do with the extra hour? I know this is a very librarian response, but I would definitely use that hour to catch up on my reading, I have a folder of articles to read, 30 ebooks on hold at my public library, and a… Read More »

Posted in: Communities of Interest



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Librarians Supporting Authors: Interview With Author Karen Iverson

Posted by on October 29th, 2019 0 comments Tags: , , , ,

Since October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, this week’s blog features an interview with the author Karen Iverson. She is the author of, ‘Winning the Breast Cancer Battle: Empowering Warriors and Guiding Loved Ones.”   It is a hopeful and inspiring story that keeps you wanting to know more. I had the pleasure of… Read More »

Posted in: Blog



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Freedom to Read

Posted by on September 24th, 2019 0 comments Tags: , , , ,

This week, September 22, through September 28, is Banned Books Week.  It is an annual event celebrating the freedom to not be in the dark and read.  It brings attention to both current and historical attempts to censor books in libraries and schools.  According to the American Library Association  (ALA), banned books week was launched… Read More »

Posted in: Blog



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Favorite Experiences at the New England Science Boot Camp for Librarians

Posted by on August 19th, 2019 0 comments Tags: , , , , , , ,

This is the final blog post in a series authored by several individuals who received scholarships to attend the and the New England Science Boot Camp for Librarians. In this installment, a scholarship recipient, Anne Marie Engelsen, the Science Reference Librarian at Fogler Library at the University of Maine, describes her favorite parts of the… Read More »

Posted in: Blog

NNLM Region 7
University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA 01655
(508) 856-5985

This has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012347 with the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School.

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