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New Grant Programs at NLM

Posted by on May 17th, 2010 Posted in: Funding, News from NLM

Announcing two new grant programs from the National Library of Medicine:

NLM Information Resource Grants to Reduce Health Disparities (G08)

National Library of Medicine
Application Receipt Date(s): July 14, 2010

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) solicits resource grant applications for projects that will bring useful, usable health information to health disparity populations and the health care providers who care for those populations. Access to useful, usable, understandable health information is an important factor during health decisions. Proposed projects should exploit the capabilities of computer and information technology and health sciences libraries to bring health-related information to consumers and their health care providers. Preference will be given to applications that show strong involvement of health science libraries. Preference will also be given to applications submitted by or that involve minority-serving institutions.

NLM Independent Career Development Award for Biomedical Informatics (K22)

National Library of Medicine
Application Receipt Date(s): Multiple dates, see announcement.

The purpose of the NLM Independent Career Development Award for Biomedical Informatics (K22) program is to facilitate the transition of investigators from the mentored to the independent stage of their careers by providing “protected time” for newly independent investigators to develop and receive support for their initial research programs. The award applies to biomedical informaticians who are pursuing research in clinical informatics, public health informatics or translational informatics. Preference will be given to candidates who received their informatics training at one of NLM’s university-based training programs in biomedical informatics.

Image of the author ABOUT Alison Aldrich

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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