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Region 5 Blog March 29th, 2025
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NNLM Region 5 Announces New Funding Opportunities!

Posted by on February 14th, 2022 Posted in: Digital Health Literacy, Funding, Health Literacy, Health Misinformation, News from NNLM Region 5
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The Network of the National Library of Medicine Region 5 (NNLM Region 5), under cooperative agreement with the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), is pleased to announce the release of the following funding opportunities. Organizations in Alaska, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, U.S. Territories and Freely Associated States in the Pacific are eligible to apply.

The funding opportunities are designed to support the Network of the National Library of Medicine’s mission to advance the progress of medicine and improve the public health and include:

Health Information Outreach Subaward: a minimum of 1 award for up to $25,000; The purpose of the Health Information Outreach Award is to support projects that improve health information literacy and increase the ability of patients, family members, students and members of the public to find and use health information; or projects addressing increased needs for healthcare professionals’ access to, awareness of, and skills for locating high-quality biomedical and health information.

Express Outreach Awards Addressing Environmental Health Justice: a minimum of 2 awards for up to $5,000 each; The purpose of this award is to address environmental health issues in underserved communities through education and creative community responses to improve health equity.

Express Outreach Awards Addressing Health Misinformation: a minimum of 3 awards for up to $5,000 each; The purpose of the Express Outreach Award Addressing Health Misinformation to help mitigate the spread of health misinformation through projects that equip community members with the tools to identify misinformation, make informed choices about what information they share, and address health misinformation in their communities.

Express Outreach Awards Addressing Technology Equity: a minimum of 2 awards for up to $5,000 each; The purpose of this award is to support infrastructure that improves equitable access to biomedical and health information.

The submissions timeline for your creative proposals are:

  • March 15, 2022: An email to nnlm@uw.edu stating your intent to apply for one of the NNLM Region 5 awards is due by 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time.
  • April 12, 2022: Application deadline. Applications are completed via the NNLM online Applications Portal (note: links are above) and must be received by 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time.

Questions? Your NNLM Region 5 staff is here to help. Please reach out to Michele Spatz, Outreach and Engagement Coordinator at: mspatz@uw.edu or Cathy Burroughs, Executive Director at: cburroug@uw.edu

Image of the author ABOUT Michele Spatz
Michele is the NNLM Region 5 Outreach and Engagement Coordinator. She has extensive experience providing consumer health information and a passion for health literacy. Michele truly believes, "Because of you, Libraries Transform.®"

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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