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Region 5 Blog February 23rd, 2025
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PNR Weekly Digest: September 8, 2020

Posted by on September 8th, 2020 Posted in: PNR Weekly Digest

Items regarding COVID-19 information are indicated with an *

In the Dragonfly:

Consumer Health Minute: MedlinePlus Genetics
Genetics Home Reference has now become part of MedlinePlus and is available in the “Genetics” section. Just like the resource, Genetics Home Reference, MedlinePlus includes over more than 1,300 genetic conditions and 1,475 genes, all of the human chromosomes…read more about MedlinePlus Genetics on the blog

NNLM Reading Club Explores Environmental Health
Your health is a product of your genetics, lifestyle and environment. This month the NNLM Reading Club examines the third component of that critical trio. September’s Reading Club selections will spur conversations on environmental health with reliable and provocative information…learn more about the September book selections on the blog

Professional Development:

NNLM CE Opportunities:
NNLM offers training on a variety of topics related to health information. A complete listing of NNLM educational opportunities is available. Please note you need to create an NNLM account prior to registration if you don’t already have one. This is not the same as being a member of NNLM.  Learn how to register for classes and create a free account

NNLM Reading Club Presents…We Live for the We with Dani McClain: Join authors Dani McClain and Andrea Collier as they discuss McClain’s book, We Live for the We: the Political Power of Black Motherhood. We hope you will join us for this important conversation which will be livestreamed on YouTube and NNLM PNR’s Facebook Page. September 22 at 12:00 p.m. PT. (1 MLA CE) Learn more about this event on the Reading Club Presents webpage

#CiteNLM Wikipedia Edit-a-thon Training: This October, join the Network of the National Library of Medicine for the Fall 2020 #CiteNLM Edit-a-thon as we add citations to Wikipedia articles on maternal & child health using trusted National Library of Medicine resources LactMed, MedlinePlus, PubMed, and more. To prepare, join this hands-on training session. September 25 at 11:00 a.m. PT. (1 MLA CE) Register

Wikipedia + Libraries: NNLM: Gain insight into the value of Wikipedia as a viable reference and build the skills and knowledge needed to evaluate articles on Wikipedia for yourself or your patrons, with a specific focus on health and medical topics, through a four-week, online course. Moodle course runs from October 5 – November 2. (8 MLA CE) Register

How PubMed® Works: How PubMed Works is a series of four 90-minute classes presented via WebEx. The individual classes are:

  • October 1, How PubMed Works: Introduction
  • October 8, How PubMed Works: Selection
  • October 15, How PubMed Works: MeSH (Medical Subject Headings)
  • October 22, How PubMed Works: ATM (Automatic Term Mapping)

Register for each class separately. Each class is eligible for 1.5 MLA CE credits.

*Connections: Virtual Anti-loneliness Programs in the time of COVID-19: Loneliness and social isolation are rampant in America, according to many experts. We have many virtual friends, but few in reality. COVID-19 has exacerbated this problem. While many of the programs outlined are designed for in-person, there are ways public libraries can help combat loneliness even in a remote fashion. The Oceanside Library has created a program to combat social isolation/loneliness. The program, Connections, crosses all demographics and includes passive as well as active programming. October 7 at 12:00 p.m. PT. (1 MLA CE) Register

Additional Educational Opportunities:
These learning opportunities are provided by organizations beyond NNLM. All are free unless otherwise indicated.

SAMHSA’s 2020 National Recovery Month Webinar Series: National Recovery Month is a national observance held every September to educate Americans that substance use treatment and mental health services can enable those with mental and substance use disorders to live healthy and rewarding lives. In observance, SAMHSA is offering weekly webinars during September, focusing on recovery. Learn more about each session and register

*Advancing the Response to COVID-19: Sharing Promising Programs and Practices for Racial and Ethnic Minority Communities: Attend this virtual symposium hosted by the U.S Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Minority Health to learn what national, state, tribal, and local experts are doing to lead efforts at all levels to confront the pandemic. Continuing education credit hours (CECH) for professionals who are Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES) or Master CHES (MCHES) will be available. If interested in receiving credits, please provide your full name and CHES ID number to virtualsym_CEUs@minorityhealth.hhs.gov, September 17 from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. PT.  Register for the symposium

Systematic Searching: Improving Effectiveness and Efficiency: Are you struggling with ever-more complicated systematic review searches? Do you have a basic knowledge of Boolean operators, thesaurus terms, and syntax and want to raise your search game? This webinar will give you guidance on creating high-quality searches in a faster way. Bramer and associates have taught his method at several filled-to-capacity annual meeting courses. NNLM PNR will provide access for our network members to this Medical Library Association webinar with limited number of CE availability. Please contact us at nnlmpnr@uw.edu for access. September 24 from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. PT. Learn more about the webinar at the MLA website

Focus on Aging: Federal Partners’ Webinar Series: This webinar series will address important topics for public health and health care professionals, aging services organizations, the research community, and other stakeholders in aging. The series is a joint project of four of the federal agencies that support the health and wellness of older adults in the U.S. In addition to general topics of interest for older adults and those who work with them, each webinar will include information specific to individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia, as well as their caregivers. First session is on Social Isolation and Loneliness, Sept. 28 from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. PT. Learn more about the series

One Step at a Time: How Libraries Can Promote Healthy, Thriving, and Livable Communities: This WebJunction webinar will highlight the multiple benefits of walking and walkable communities and how libraries can help lead community efforts. October 22 at 12:00 p.m. PT. Register

News from the National Library of Medicine & National Institutes of Health:

*“Why Testing is the Key to Getting Back to Normal”, from the NLM Director’s blog

Genetics Home Reference Merged into MedlinePlus

*“Citizen Scientists Take on the Challenge of Long-Haul COVID-19”, from the NIH Director’s blog

#NationalYogaMonth Livestream: The Science and Practice of Yoga, September 29

*NIH Genetic Testing Registry (GTR) now accepting microbe tests including SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 tests

The September issue of NIH News in Health is now available with articles on Sickle Cell Anemia, TMJ, and more

Attend the 4th Annual DeBakey lecture September 9 at 11:00 a.m. PT, “DeBakey in Baghdad and Beirut: The Internationalization of Surgical Education, 1945–1970”

*Phase 3 Clinical Testing in the US of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate Begins

*NIH continues to boost national COVID-19 testing capacity

YouTube video about NIH Scientist Launch Game® App Propels Students into Health Research

*Resources from the Disaster Information Management Research Center:


*Contact Tracing
The CDC has created a Contact Tracing webpage that includes guidance, resources for health departments, a COVIDTracer Tool, training, FAQs and a communications toolkit. The CDC has also released a Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report that provides data on COVID-19 among American Indian and Alaska Native Persons – 23 States, January 31-July 3, 2020

*REALM Project Test 4 Results Available
As part of the REALM Project’s research, Battelle has conducted four natural attenuation studies to provide information on how long the virus may survive on materials common to archives, libraries, and museums. The studies were conducted by applying the virulent SARS-CoV-2 virus on five materials held at standard room temperature (68°F to 75°F) and relative humidity conditions (30 to 50 percent). Learn more about these test results on the WebJunction blog

Maternal Mortality Campaign: Hear Her
The CDC has released the Hear Her campaign, which brings attention to maternal morbidity and mortality in the United States. Hear Her seeks to raise awareness of potentially life-threatening warning signs during and in the year after pregnancy and encourages the people supporting pregnant and postpartum women to really listen and take action when she expresses concerns. The campaign page is available in English and Spanish.

First One Hundred Collection
The First One Hundred Institute, in collaboration with Unite for Literacy, has developed a collection of children’s picture books created especially for AI/AN communities. The books are narrated in a variety of indigenous languages and English, providing additional support for emergent readers and speakers. The collection includes COVID-19 guides for AI/AN families. Learn more about the collection

*Food Safety and the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has compiled a list of resources on Food Safety and COVID-19 that includes information for consumers, retail food establishments, the food service industry, food facilities and farms. Resources are available in English and Spanish.

Image of the author ABOUT Carolyn Martin
Carolyn Martin is the Outreach and Education Coordinator for the NNLM Region 5. She works with various libraries and community organizations to increase health literacy in their communities.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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