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Midwest Matters July 27th, 2024
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Register for the NNLM’s Social Determinants of Environmental Health Webinar Series

Posted by on February 7th, 2024 Posted in: Blog

Social Determinants of Environmental Health webinar series

Registration is now open for the Social Determinants of Environmental Health webinar series. This series addresses a variety of topics related to the Network of the National Library of Medicine’s initiative, Environmental Determinants of Health.

The series includes 9 individual webinar sessions scheduled from March 5 – April 2, 2024 starting at 12:00 p.m. PT. When you register and are logged into NNLM, you will see what time the session begins in your time zone.

Each session is 1.5 hours long and will include the guest speaker(s) presentation, a Q&A time, and an additional activity to further reflect, discuss, or do. This additional time is also your chance to go beyond just the presentation. The webinar series will also have an accompanying guide with supplemental information about the speaker, the topic, and related NNLM, NLM, NIH, or other organization or association resources for you to peruse and consider offering to your communities.

Each session offers 1.5 Medical Library Association CE credits for attending. Some sessions are also eligible for CHIS (Consumer Health Information Specialization) and some are eligible for CHES (Certified Health Education Specialists). The registration webpages indicate if the session offers CHES and/or CHIS credits.

The series includes a variety of topics within the broader scope of environmental health with sessions to be inclusive of a wide audience including public health, libraries, and communities.  Session titles include:

  • Environmental Health Literacy: An Engaged Framework for Understanding and Action
  • Counting Every Death When Every Death Counts: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Hurricane Michael Excess Mortality
  • Blue Marble Librarians: Libraries Helping Their Communities Prepare for Extreme Weather and Foster Socially and Ecologically Conscious Culture
  • Understanding Environmental Health: A Social-Ecological Model
  • Climate Change and Health in Alaska: Addressing Inequities and Building Resilience
  • Social and Economic Determinants and Environmental Health
  • PFAS and Environment Health: Information and Tools for Public Health Practitioners and Information Specialists
  • Advancing Climate Resilience, Sustainability, and Environmental Justice: A Public and Academic Libraries Partnership in San Diego County
  • Citizen Science Empowers Environmental Understanding through Libraries, Community-Based Organizations, and More

Each session will be recorded and be available both on the accompanying guide and on the NNLM YouTube channel. We hope you can join us as we explore, learn, and engage about this important health topic together.

Image of the author ABOUT Miles Dietz-Castel
Miles Dietz-Castel is the Communication Specialist for the NNLM Region 6 Office.

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This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Grant Number 1UG4LM012346 with The University of Iowa.

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