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Region 7 Update February 23rd, 2025
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Reaching Around the World: Grantees’ Big Summer

Posted by on August 19th, 2019 Posted in: Funded Project, Graphic Medicine
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Brittany Netherton and Brenda Lormil two NNLM NER grantees had big summers presenting the work they’re doing at events in San Diego and Sweden!

Brittany from the Darien Library had the opportunity present on graphic novels in the library at the San Diego Comic-Con and her work with Graphic Medicine.

From Brittany:

“On Thursday, July 18 I delivered a lightning round presentation during San Diego Comic-Con’s Comic Conference for Educators and Librarians. The audience included librarians and educators from across North America. My presentation defined Graphic Medicine broadly, and then I spoke about Darien Library’s intentional Graphic Medicine collection development and marketing over the past year. As I was discussing the importance of other libraries creating similar collections, and sharing different resources they could use to get started, I saw people throughout the room snapping pictures of the slides and taking notes. I ended my presentation with an announcement of our NNLM NER grant, which drew excited applause from the audience. After the presentation, an NNLM representative from the San Diego area introduced herself to me, and said that Graphic Medicine is something they’re working on right now, and that she was happy to see me presenting on it.

A few weeks after the presentation, I received a text message from one of the librarians who helped plan the conference. He wanted me to know that in their recap of the event, one of the event organizers said that my Graphic Medicine presentation was particularly well-received and had attendees talking. They see Graphic Medicine as an area they want to intentionally highlight next year, and asked if I might be interested in joining the planning committee.”


Brenda and partners from Northeastern University School Health Academy (NEUSHA) took HAMA and NEUSHA’s great work developing a model for supporting a quality continuing nursing education (CNE) program that addresses culturally competent services, advocating for health and safety needs of students and strengthening global health for Haitian American students and their families.  HAMA and NEUSHA presented the CNE program they created to participants at the 2019 School Nurses International Conference in Stockholm, Sweden on July 25.  Read the full abstract of the project that Brenda presented on.


Congratulations to Brittany and Brenda on their great accomplishments this summer!  NNLM NER is proud to support the work they’re doing in their communities and look forward to reporting on more of the great work of our grantees soon.

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NNLM Region 7
University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA 01655
(508) 856-5985

This has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012347 with the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School.

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