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Region 7 Update March 25th, 2025
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Public Health Resources: APHA Round-up

Posted by on November 21st, 2022 Posted in: Blog, Public Health
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Display from APHA Annual Conference 2022 reading 150 years, APHA 2022, Annual Meeting and Expo.November 6-9, Boston welcomed 12,000 public health professionals and students from around the US and across the world for the American Public Health Association (APHA) annual conference.

Celebrating their 150th year, APHA Annual Conference 2022 hosted sessions on health topics such as COVID, maternal and child health, SUD, HIV/AIDS, on public health practice such as health communication, health education, nursing, and on public health issues such as climate change and health inequality.


NNLM exhibit materials for APHA 2022 with a blue table cloth reading "National Library of Medicine, Network of the National Library of Medicine" handouts on the table and a display board with information about NNLM classes for Public Health audiences, NNLM overview and a PHDL overview.Along with colleagues from NNLM’s Public Health Coordination Office (NPHCO), we staffed a table to let public health partners know what’s available from NNLM for them.

For a lot of people at the conference, NLM and NNLM was new to them, but many people were familiar with MedlinePlus and PubMed. A lot of the students we talked to use PubMed regularly for their studies.

Getting the chance to network with partners in the exhibit hall allowed us to bring it all together and help folks understand how NLM produces and maintains free products and how NNLM is the regionally responsive outreach arm. We also introduced other specific resources and services including trainings, free CHES CEs were popular, and funding.

Flow chart showing the relationship of NIH to NLM to NNLM

Finally, I personally got the chance to meet up with existing and new partners including the Maine and Connecticut Public Health Associations and representatives from Boston University and SCSU. And did the rounds of other exhibitors to talk to eleven public health programs representing five of our seven states.

What’s new for public health partners?

You can always find upcoming CHES eligible classes on NNLM’s site. Classes and CEs are always free.

Region 7’s funding RFP’s are now open until 12/15. NNLM membership is required to apply for funding, but membership is free. If you’re interested in applying for funding, become a member today.

  • Health Information Outreach: To provide support for projects that improve health information literacy and increase the ability of the program audience to find and use health information. Or improve health professionals’ access to, awareness of, and skills for locating high-quality biomedical and health information.
  • Technology Improvement: For upgrading, replacing or adopting technologies to increase access to health information, and/or strengthen communications and connectivity for health.

Image of the author ABOUT Sarah Levin-Lederer

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NNLM Region 7
University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA 01655
(508) 856-5985

This has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012347 with the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School.

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