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Region 7 Update February 11th, 2025
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Coming In September: NNLM Virtual Disaster Preparedness Forum

Posted by on August 21st, 2023 Posted in: Trainings
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Photo of a first aid kit, tarp, and water bottles overlayed with a blue half oval with white text in the middle that says Disaster Preparedness Month September 2023. Graphic promotes NNLM’s programming for the Free Virtual Disaster Preparedness Forum, September 11-28. White NIH National Library of Medicine logo in left lower corner. #BeReady in white in right lower corner.September is National Preparedness Month. And this year, NNLM is excited to present a slate of programming to support information and resource sharing around emergency preparedness in your communities.

And you can promote preparedness all year long with information and resources from ready.gov.

NNLM Virtual Disaster Preparedness Forum

Save the Date for NNLM’s Free Virtual Disaster Preparedness Forum, September 12-28, 2023! Join NNLM and partners for a three-week slate of online events that will bring awareness, learning and discussion regarding preparedness and response to unforeseen, traumatic events.

These webinars will cover tools, resources, and communication planning for increased community resilience.

September 12: OnTheMap for Emergency Management and My Community Explorer Data Tools

Join the US Census Bureau to learn about Census data tools to help promote emergency preparedness and community resilience.

September 13: ASPR TRACIE: A Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Information Gateway

Join representatives from ASPR (part of HHS) to learn about free trainings and other resources from their Technical Resources, Assistance Center and Information Exchange (TRACIE).

September 14: Creating a One-Page Disaster Plan

Join Dan Wilson from the University of Virginia Claude Moore Health Sciences Library to learn about creating a one page disaster plan for your library or organization.

September 20: Why Comics Work for Risk Communication

Join Meredith Li-Volmer, Public Health-Seattle and King County (WA), to learn about using comics to convey health information for emergency preparedness and response.

September 27: Graphic Medicine Virtual Book Club-Emergency Preparedness and Recovery

Join colleagues for a discussion of Drowned City: Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans by Don Brown covering topics such as community and individual preparedness, equity issues in preparedness, uses of graphic non-fiction for preparedness outreach, and more.

September 28: Informal Weather Education Outreach

Learn about best practices in weather education and successful programs from the Extreme Events Institute and the International Hurricane Research Center.

Emergency Preparedness Resources from NNLM

The NNLM Emergency Preparedness Guide is undergoing updates that will be completed in time for September’s activities.

Coming Soon: The NNLM Reading Club will be debuting a new Emergency Preparedness page in September with discussion guides and supporting resources.

Past NNLM preparedness class:

Less Ostrich, more Owl. Five Steps to Quickly Improve Your Library’s Ability to Respond to a Sudden Disaster from 9/22/21 hosted by R1.

Ransomware Attacks: What Medical Librarians Need to Know from 12/9/21 hosted by R7.

Inclusive Disaster Planning: Considering the Needs of People with Disabilities from 9/27/22 hosted by R2.

Image of the author ABOUT Sarah Levin-Lederer

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NNLM Region 7
University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA 01655
(508) 856-5985

This has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012347 with the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School.

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