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Freebie Friday: AEA’s Potent Presentation Information

Posted by on September 5th, 2014 Posted in: Data Visualization

Logo with focus on message, design, and delivery

The American Evaluation Association (eval.org) sponsors a Potent Presentations Initiative (p2i) that has a stated purpose of helping evaluators improve their presentation skills, both within a conference setting and as part of individual practice. P2i challenges evaluators to hone in on three concepts: Their message, their design, and their delivery.

There are a wealth of handouts available as PDF files,Word documents and Powerpoint presentations available from the p2i tools website (http://www.eval.org/page/p2i-tools) that sometimes include AEA conference specifications in addition to many great messaging, designing and delivery principles. For an example of each principle be sure to check out the Presentation Preparation Checklist (from 3 months ahead of time to afterwards to include modifications while the information is freshly in mind), How to Design a Research Poster (great infographic visualization and instructions on how to make your data ‘pop’), and the Delivery Glue Handout (did you know as a general rule it takes 16 times the length of your talk to make presentation slides and a script?).

Note: Links updated 9/20/2017.

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