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NEC Spotlight March 31st, 2025
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Focused Outreach Vermont (from NN/LM NER)

Posted by on January 16th, 2015 Posted in: Blog

If you are planning or currently conducting an outreach project, you might want to take a look at the Focused Outreach Vermont article in the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, New England Region (NN/LM NER) newsletter (posted January 13, 2015). NN/LM NER’s Focused Outreach Project uses carefully planned outreach activities and strong community-based collaboration to connect underserved communities with NLM resources and services. The Ner’eastah article, which is an abstract of a full report, highlights outreach results through a succinct description of evaluation findings.

I particularly applaud NN/LM NER’s reporting method. They provide a quick overview, featuring the results of their efforts, with easy access to full details for those who want it. The full report describes the project’s community assessment process and findings. You also get a more thorough description of documented outcomes, laid out in a highly readable format. A nice added feature is the infographic in the beginning of the report.

This is a great example of how to use evaluation to publicize and advocate for successful programs!

Logo for New England Regional Medical Library's newsletter

We would like to report more projects that demonstrate effective use of evaluation methods. If you have an example to share, send it to Cindy Olney at olneyc@uw.edu.

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This project is funded by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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