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Which Online Survey Tool Should I Use? A Review of Reviews

Posted by on September 4th, 2015 Posted in: Questionnaires and Surveys
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Quality survey close up with a thumbtack pointing on the word excellentRecently we faced the realization that we would have to reevaluate the online survey tool that we have been using. We thought that we would share some of the things that we learn along the way.

First of all, finding a place that evaluates survey products (like Survey Monkey or Survey Gizmo), is not as easy as going to Consumer Reports or Amazon (or CNET, Epinions, or Buzzillions).  A number of places can be found on the internet that provide reviews of surveys, but their quality is highly varied.   So for this week our project has been to compare review websites to see what we can learn from and about them.

Here are the best ones I could find that compare online survey tools:

Zapier.com’s Ultimate Guide to Forms and Surveys, Chapter 7 “The 20 Best Online Survey Builder Tools”

This resource compares 20 different online survey tools. There is a chart with a brief statement of what each survey tool is best for, what you get for free, and the lowest plan cost. Additionally, there is a paragraph description of each tool and what it does best.  Note: this is part of an eBook published in 2015 which includes chapters like “The Best Online Form Builders for Every Task.”

Appstorm.net’s “18 Awesome Survey & Poll Apps”

This review was posted on May 27, 2015 which reassures us that the information is most likely up to date.  While there are very brief descriptions, it is good for a quick comparison of the survey products. Each review includes whether or not there is a free account, if the surveys can be customized, and whether or not there are ready-made templates.

Capterra.com’s “Top Survey Software Products”

Check boxes showing the features of the different productsThis resource appears to be almost too good to be true. Alas, no date shown means that the specificity in the comparisons might not be accurate.  Nevertheless, this website lists over 200 survey software products, has separate profile pages on each product (with varying amounts of detail), and lists features that each product offers.  You can even narrow down the surveys you are looking for by filtering by feature.  Hopefully the features in Capterra’s database are kept updated for each product.  One thing to point out is that at least two fairly well-known survey products (that I know of) are not in their list.

AppAppeal.com’s “Top 31 Free Survey Apps”

Another review site with no date listed. This one compares 31 apps by popularity, presumably in the year the article was written. One thing that is unique about this review site is that the in-depth review includes the history and popularity of the app, the differences of each app to other apps, and who they would recommend the app to.  Many of the reviews include videos showing how to use the app.  Pretty cool.

TopTenReviews.com’s 2015 Best Survey Software Reviews and Comparisons

This website has the feel of Consumer Reports. It has a long article explaining why you would use survey software, how and what the reviewers tested, and the kinds of things that are important when selecting survey software. Also like Consumer Reports, it has ratings of each product (including the experiences of the business, the respondents, and the quality of the support), and individual reviews of each product showing pros and cons. Because the date is included in the review name, the information is fairly current.

This is a starting point. There are individual reviews of online survey products on a variety of websites and blogs, which are not included here.  Stay tuned for more information on online survey tools as we move forward.


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This project is funded by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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