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NEC Spotlight March 26th, 2025
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Fun for Data Lovers: Two Interactive Data Visualizations

Posted by on December 23rd, 2015 Posted in: Data Visualization

‘Tis the season of gift-giving and who doesn’t love getting toys during the holidays? So we want to give our readers links to two fun data visualizations to play with over the holidays. Both were designed by David McCandless at Information is BeautifulSnake Oil Superfoods summarizes the evidence (or lack thereof) for health claims about foods popularly believed to have healing properties. Snake Oil Supplements gives the same scrutiny to dietary supplements.

You can readily check the science behind the infographics. Both link to abstracts of scientific studies indexed in reputable sources such as PubMed or Cochran Library. The pretty-colored bubbles and the filters give you an enjoyable way to check some of those food-related miracles being proclaimed in popular magazines and your Facebook feed.

Meanwhile,  Happy Holidays to you and yours from OERC bloggers Cindy Olney and Karen Vargas.

Cindy Olney and Karen Vargas at the American Evaluation Association's 2015 Conference




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