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Posts by archive: February 2016

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Setting a Meaningful Participation Target

Posted by on February 26th, 2016 0 comments

I enjoyed reading an article in Public Libraries titled “The Grass Is Always Greener” by Melanie A. Lyttle and Shawn D. Walsh.  They discuss the complexities of deciding whether a program was “well attended” or “nobody came.”  Sometimes a program that seems well attended in one situation is the same as a poorly attended program… Read More »

Posted in: Blog



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Appreciative Inquiry of Oz: Building on the Best in the Emerald City

Posted by on February 19th, 2016 0 comments

“One day not very long ago, librarians came to the Emerald City from their libraries in all of the countries of Oz. They came to visit the Great Library of the Emerald City, and to petition the Wizard allow them to borrow books and other items at the Great Library. Their hope was to transport… Read More »

Posted in: Blog



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W.A.I.T for Qualitative Interviews

Posted by on February 12th, 2016 0 comments

Why  Am  I  Talking?   My sister-in-law recently told me about the W.A.I.T. acronym that she learned from a communication consultant who spoke to her staff. It’s a catchy phrase for an important communication concept: Be purposeful when you talk. This self-reflective question can be applied to any conversational setting, but I want to discuss it… Read More »

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Logic Model for a Birthday Party

Posted by on February 4th, 2016 0 comments

Cindy and I feel that logic models are wonderful planning tools that can be used in many life events to stay focused on what’s meaningful. This blog post is an example of such a logic model. My daughter’s birthday is coming up this week and we are having a party for her. My husband and… Read More »

Posted in: Blog

This project is funded by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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