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NEC Spotlight July 27th, 2024
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Posts by archive: June 2015

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Telling Good Stories about Good Programs

Posted by on June 29th, 2015 0 comments

Sometimes our program successes are a well-kept secret, hidden deep in our final reports under pages of statistics, tables, and descriptive details. There is a way to shine a stronger light on positive program impacts: program success stories. These are short (1-2 page) narratives that are designed to educate policy makers, attract partners, and share… Read More »

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Easy Email Newsletters for Keeping Stakeholders Informed

Posted by on June 19th, 2015 0 comments

Do you find it difficult to ensure that you are keeping your stakeholders up to date throughout your program? In her AEA Summer Institute class entitled “An Executive Summary is Not Enough: Effective Evaluation Reporting Techniques,” Kylie Hutchinson from Community Solutions suggests a very interesting product for staying in touch with stakeholders. The product is… Read More »

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Components of Process Evaluation

Posted by on June 12th, 2015 0 comments

At the American Evaluation Association Summer Institute, Laura Linnan, Director of the Carolina Collaborative for Research on Work & Health at UNC Gillings School of Public Health, did a workshop entitled Process Evaluation: What You Need to Know and How to Get Started. According to the CDC, process evaluation is the systematic collection of information… Read More »

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Lesson Learned: Outputs are Cool!

Posted by on June 5th, 2015 0 comments

Cindy Olney and I just returned from the American Evaluation Association Summer Institute in Atlanta, GA. The blog posts for the next couple of months will be filled with lessons learned from the Institute. I am going to start with Outputs, because they were the greatest surprise to me. In his “Introduction to Program Evaluation,”… Read More »

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