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DIY Tool for Program Success Stories (Program Success Stories Part 2)

Posted by on July 2nd, 2015 Posted in: Blog

Last week, I wrote about program success stories. As a follow-up, I want to introduce you to a story builder tool available at the CDC Injury Prevention and Control web site. The story builder takes you through three steps to produce an attractive, well-written program success story. Each step offers downloadable Microsoft Word documents to walk you through the process.

Step 1: The worksheets are designed to gather and organize project information for your story. I think it would be interesting to use this step as a participatory activity. You could pull together your project team or a group of stakeholders to talk through questions in this worksheet. The discussion would help group members articulate the program’s value from their perspective.

Step 2: This step provides a story builder template to write your story, section by section. Each section has a field to develop a paragraph of your story, with some tips for writing in a compelling, user-friendly way. Each completed field prepares you for the final step.

Step 3: Here, you can download a layout template, where you transfer the paragraphs from your story builder template into the layout. Because this is a Word document, you can change background design, font, or even the size and placement of pictures and call-out quote boxes.

If you are thinking of trying your hand at program success stories, this story building web page provides some useful DYI tools to help you get started.

"What is Your Story" typed on paper in an old typewriter

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This project is funded by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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