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The Appreciative Inquiry Holiday Challenge

Posted by on November 23rd, 2016 Posted in: Blog

hand writing something in to the notebook near christmas toys.

The holiday season is upon us, so I want to give our readers a holiday Appreciative Inquiry challenge.  This is a fun way to practice the Appreciative Inquiry interview. It also provides an opportunity for you and your family to plan a better-than-usual holiday season.  Finally, it gives everyone something to talk about other than politics. (You’re welcome.)

During the coming week, ask yourself and your loved ones the following three questions:

  • What was the best holiday experience you’ve ever had?
  • What made that experience so special? What did you value about it?
  • What could happen to make this year’s holiday season exceptional?

Here’s how I would answer the questions.  My favorite holiday was the one I had as a child, traveling to Arizona to spend Christmas with extended family.  For a kid from Western Pennsylvania, Tucson was exotic.  Christmas lights on saguaro cactuses. Luminarias.  Tree ornaments from Mexico. The best part, though, was a trip to the Catalina mountains.

What I valued about that holiday was the differentness of the setting and seeing how those from another part of the country celebrated the holiday. I also liked the bright sunny days outdoors.

It’s a little too late to book a trip to Arizona for the holidays, but I can still seek out places close by that have a different take on holiday decorations. As for enjoying the outdoors, I live in a place that offers lots of opportunity on that front. My husband and I can easily fit in a hike and a trip to Helen, a Bavarian Alpine village in the North Georgia mountains.

Once you’ve talked with your family, make a list of everyone’s ideas for a great holiday and check them off as they happen. You could even do this as a group on a private Facebook page.  Or go old school and put a written list on your refrigerator door.  See if Appreciative Inquiry doesn’t add some sparkle to your holiday season this year.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.



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