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NEC Spotlight March 12th, 2025
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NNLM Training Survey Tableau Dashboards Continue to Evolve

Posted by on October 10th, 2023 Posted in: Blog, Newsletter

In support of our commitment to data-informed strategic management and impact assessment, NEC launched – and continues to enhance – NNLM training survey Tableau dashboards for each NNLM ROC. These dashboards provide visualizations and data tables for each ROC’s NNLM training survey responses. The dashboards are intended to empower ROCs to quickly access and analyze training survey responses, use visualizations to inform programmatic and strategic decision-making, and provide visualizations that ROCs may use in local presentations and reports.

NEC is preparing to launch enhanced training survey dashboards for each NNLM ROC. In response to feedback from NEC’s Evaluation Champions, these enhanced dashboards, which will launch by the end of October 2023, will include training survey responses for grant years 1-3, both aggregate and course-level views, open-ended survey responses, and more. These enhanced dashboards will be updated three times per week.

In addition, NEC is preparing to launch an overall summary of the Year 2 NNLM-wide training survey responses, including a PowerPoint with visualizations and suggested discussion points. These resources will be available for use by NNLM ROCs for internal and external meetings and presentations.

All NNLM staff may request access to the training survey dashboards via their ROC’s Evaluation Champion through the NEC support request form. Instructions for navigating to the dashboards are available on Confluence.

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This project is funded by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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