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PHDL Me This October 18th, 2024
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Welcome to PHDL Me This

Posted by on May 25th, 2017 Posted in: Blog

Welcome to PHDL Me This, our blog for the Public Health Digital Library program.  The name of our blog is a bit tongue-in-cheek but we want you to consider it a source for updates, tips, and resource features for all things related to the PHDL. There’s a lot going on that’s new and we want you to take advantage of all the information resources and learning opportunities available.

We are welcoming five new public health departments joining the PHDL program:  Arizona, District of Columbia, Georgia, Idaho, and Oklahoma.  This brings a total of 23 public health departments participating the PHDL.

Cecilia Vernes, our Education Coordinator will have a post about our new instructional program where you can take advantage of distance based session to learn about the information resources available on the PHDL.

We are concluding our resource renewals process where we’ve made decisions on the information resources to be made available at your department. The PHDL collection will have the same number of electronic journals (230) and e-books (63):  we’ve added new titles and discontinued others according to use.

If you use PubMed to find your PHDL articles (and you should!), there’s an important change:  We will no longer maintain each department’s account to link to articles.  We are moving to one unified LinkOut account.  You’ll be able to find PHDL journal articles in PubMed using the PHDL Icon  when you use the PubMed link on your PHDL page or make this a filter in your MyNCBI.  Here’s a blog post with more details: .

We’ve completed our first year as part of the National Public Health Coordination Office where we’ve taken the Public Health Information Access project to a program within the National Network of Libraries of Medicine. Your department is a member of this Network connecting health professionals to quality information resources.  You can contact us at phdl . Stop in to PHDL Me This to find out what’s new.


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NNLM Public Health Coordination Office University of Massachusetts Medical School 55 Lake Avenue North Worcester, MA 01655 (508) 856-7633
This has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012347 with the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

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