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NNLM Member Survey 2024!

Posted by on September 30th, 2024 Posted in: Blog

Every couple of years, the NNLM reaches out to its member organizations for feedback on its membership, its value and to learn more about unmet needs.  You will soon be receiving an invitation to take part in the 2024 NNLM Active Member Survey.Member Suvey Image with faces and Help the NNLM to Serve You Betterd!

Administered oneline and voluntary, the survey will better understand how NNLM active member organizations perceive the benefits and value of their membership; their awareness and usage of NNLM products and services; and their interests in training and funding as well as their own organizational capacity. This questionnaire (an “establishment survey “) collects data from member organizations, rather than individuals.

The 2024 NNLM Active Member Survey is the second effort of its kind. In 2022,  a sample of NNLM member organizations were surveyed; this time around the effort will be much larger and focused on those member organizations actively engaged from May 1, 2023 to April 30, 2024.  As PHDL participants last year, your organization is considered actively engaged.  

Who takes the survey?
The survey invitation is sent to your organization’s primary contact. That person will serve as your organization’s representative and will submit a single completed survey back to us.  The survey is online, and respondents can choose to take the survey in English or en Español.

What questions will be asked?

There are five (5) thematic sections
  • Benefits and Value to Member Organizations,
  • Communications,
  • Training and Education,
  • Funding and Organizational Profile

The survey will have 22 questions. No personal information will be requested. It takes less than ten (10) minutes to complete the questionnaire.

What is in it for my organization?
NNLM membership is free and so are the trainings we offer. Your organization’s responses will inform strategic decision-making for NNLM and NLM’s leadership. The 2024 NNLM Active Member Survey provides you the opportunity to help improve the Network’s current trainings and other programming and engagement activities. It is your organization’s chance to contribute to planning for the future.

When can I respond to the 2024 NNLM Active Member Survey?
If your member organization had active engagement with the NNLM from May 1, 2023 to April 30, 2024, the person who has been designated your organization’s primary contact will be receiving an online invitation to take thw survey by mid-October 2024. Responses should be on behalf of your member organization as a whole.
Is my organization’s information safe?
Your responses are safe, secure and confidential. Your answers will only be used to produce statistics that inform decisions about future programming and services.

Please respond to the 10-minute survey. Your responses help make sure the NNLM is best serving your needs with tailored training offerings, funding opportunities and other engagement activities. Your responses are important and confidential, and they will be used to inform decisions about future NNLM programs and services.

You can see results of the 2022 NNLM Membership Survey in Zenodo.



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NNLM Public Health Coordination Office University of Massachusetts Medical School 55 Lake Avenue North Worcester, MA 01655 (508) 856-7633
This has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012347 with the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

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