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Call for Proposals: National Health Misinformation Symposium

Posted by on October 6th, 2022 Posted in: Uncategorized

The Network of the National Library of Medicine invites proposals for a virtual National Health Misinformation Symposium, April 4-7, 2023. 

This free, virtual symposium will explore both the research behind health misinformation movements and provide practical and evidence-based solutions to support librarians, health educators, and direct care providers in combating the spread of all types of health misinformation. Topics may include the types of misinformation, history of health misinformation, tips to understand health research, combating social media spread, the effects of health misinformation on individuals and communities, and highlighting replicable programs that Network Members can implement to address health misinformation.

The Health Misinformation Symposium will offer a keynote each day along with hour presentations, and sessions of three 10-minute lightning talks.

12:00 pm – 5:30 pm ET, Tuesday April 4th through Friday April 7th, 2023. 


  1. Distinguish between the types of misinformation
  2. Describe current research regarding health misinformation
  3. Identify and implement resources and tools to combat health misinformation, resources and tools
  4. Explore programs, projects, and practices related to health misinformation in communities


Proposals are accepted through an online form. 

Please carefully review the rubric the review committee will use to access submissions when drafting your submission.

Proposal Review Rubric pdf

Proposal Submission Questions pdf

The deadline to submit proposals is October 31st, 12:00 am ET.


Submission form opens: October 4th, 12:00 pm ET

Submission form closes: October 31st, 12:00 am ET

Final decisions: November 30, 2022

Schedule Announced and registration opens: January 2023

About NNLM 

The Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) provides outreach, funding, and training on behalf of the National Library of Medicine. The goal of the NNLM is to advance the progress of medicine and improve public health by providing U.S. health professionals with equal access to biomedical information and improving individuals’ access to information to enable them to make informed decisions about their health.

NNLM Virtual Health Misinformation Symposium Committee (Chair: Bobbi Newman R6, Members: Tiffany Chavis R1, Elizabeth Roth R2, Margie Sheppard R3, Carolyn M Martin R5, Sean Corning R7, Veronica Milliner NAPC, Peace Ossom-Williamson NCDS, Javier Crespo NPHC)
For questions please contact
Bobbi Newman
Chair, NNLM Virtual Health Misinformation Symposium Committee
Community Engagement and Outreach Specialist, Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) Region 6

Image of the author ABOUT fsteele
Faith Steele, MLS, is the Outreach and Education Librarian for Region 1 for the Network of the National Library of Medicine at the University of Maryland Baltimore. She connects libraries to community health partners, provides training and funding to help communities access quality health information.

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