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ROI: Region One Insights February 23rd, 2025
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NNLM Region 1 Funded Projects for the 2022-’23 Cycle

Posted by on November 1st, 2022 Posted in: Uncategorized

NNLM Region 1 is excited to announce our grantees for the 2022-’23 funding cycle. Awardees in each program category are:

Data Management Project Award Support for projects that stimulate innovations in biomedical knowledge collection, organization and management or data science, information, or research
West Virginia University Research Corporation (WV): “A Cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence Tool to Improve Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Care in West Virginia.” The development of a novel Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool incorporates CKD patient-specific big data in an actionable way to minimize CKD progression, address health disparities at a local level, and provide a construct to deliver care in a more efficient and sustainable manner.

Health Information Outreach Award Support for projects that improve health information literacy and increase the ability of patients, family members, students, and members of the public to find and use health information – or to improve health professionals’ access to, awareness of, and skills for locating high quality biomedical and health information
Lewes Public Library (DE): “Public Library Partnerships to Improve Access, Understanding, and Use of Health Information.” Events, workshops and individual services will enhance health literacy among those at high risk for poor health literacy, including older adults, teens with mental health needs or substance use and LGBTQ+ individuals.
Northern Kentucky University (KY): “Impact of COVID-19 on Overall Student Wellbeing – An Examination of Stress Causality on the Basis of Sex, Race, Income & Grade Level.” After determination of underlying causes of post-traumatic stress, four virtual health literacy mini-curriculum sessions will promote healthy coping strategies for sources of stress and aid in campus-wide efforts to promote overall student wellness.
Mother Goose on the Loose (MD): “Making “Mother Goose on the Loose – Goslings” Program Accessible to More Parents of Medically Complex Infants in the NICU.” An upgrade to the Goslings website, Instructional Guide, Song and Rhyme Booklet and Panels so they are fully accessible (508-compliant) combined with outreach efforts will provide expanded access to these early childhood learning and literacy programs.
Black Girls with Green Thumbs (PA): “Green Thumbs in Your Community.” Support and expand an existing program that builds a network of individuals, families and community organizations to utilize gardening and physical activity as tools for positive health outcomes via a live-stream video podcast on nutrition, home gardening and plant-based cooking instruction; bi-monthly community yoga classes; and planning for a youth garden-to-market, green entrepreneurship program.
South Central Educational Development, Inc. (SCED) (WV): “CORDS – Community Outreach to Reduce health Disparities and Stigma – Making Health Happen.” Health education and health screenings for rural, underserved, and marginalized communities in southern WV will increase health literacy and improve health outcomes.
Southwest Pennsylvania Environmental Health Project (EHP) (PA): “Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and Shale Gas Development Health Outreach to Residents of Southwestern Pennsylvania.” Empower residents with relevant health information and recommendations on how to best protect themselves from PFAS and how to mobilize community partners, leaders, and health professionals.
Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center (PA): “Increasing the Understanding of the CDC’s Guidance on PrEP to Erase LGBTQ+ Health Disparities.” Tailored training with actionable, reliable LGBTQ+ health information for Lehigh Valley healthcare professionals with inclusive and affirming practices for treating LGBTQ+ patients will increase patient-provider trust and achieve LGBTQ+ health equity.

Technology Improvement Award Support for projects that deliver technology improvement and health and digital equity to underserved community impacted by the digital divide via technology funding and online resource training
Every Library Institute (DE): “Telehealth Services in Delaware Libraries.” After a successful pilot project focused only on rural library locations, deployment of telehealth booths will expand statewide in Delaware public libraries to further increase access to healthcare.

Professional Development Award Support for individual network members to strengthen professional knowledge and experience in data science or health information access/delivery, building professional capacity in support of NNLM goals.
Mid-Atlantic Chapter of MLA (Regional) The Professional Development Committee of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of MLA will coordinate and offer four continuing education courses at the MAC-MLA Annual Meeting, Oct 23-25, 2022.
Lewes Public Library (DE) The Lewes Public Library staff will participate in a staff professional development day in December.
Marymount University (VA) Provides Brianna Chatmon financial support to participate in an in-person conference as part of her fellowship program.

Congratulations to all the grantees!
We are currently accepting applications for the 2023-’24 funding cycle grants with a deadline of November 4th – we look forward to reviewing your project ideas.

Image of the author ABOUT fsteele
Faith Steele, MLS, is the Outreach and Education Librarian for Region 1 for the Network of the National Library of Medicine at the University of Maryland Baltimore. She connects libraries to community health partners, provides training and funding to help communities access quality health information.

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