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ROI: Region One Insights February 23rd, 2025
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Meet the Region 1 Team, Colette and Nancy!

Posted by on April 8th, 2022 Posted in: Uncategorized

Colette Bealieu

Colette Beaulieu

What is your title and brief job description?  

Office Manager. I assist Tony Nguyen with the day to day management of the Region 1 office which includes monitoring expenditures, processing subawards, paying invoices, etc. and other duties as assigned. I also assist Nancy Patterson with the management of network membership.

Other than COVID, what medical/health topic is on your mind?  

I am particularly interested in diabetes and kidney health issues.

What advice would you give others who are interested in doing health outreach work in their communities?

The first step to providing quality health outreach is to first listen to the members of that community to make sure that the outreach you want to provide is what they want or need.

Unrelated to health librarianship, what is your favorite indulgence? 

My favorite indulgence is shopping for and with my granddaughter.  She gets so excited when we go on shopping sprees at the local dollar store and she can put anything she wants in the cart.  I get excited when I find anything on Amazon that I think she will love and watching her face light up when I give them to her.


Nancy Patterson

Nancy Patterson

What is your title and brief job description? 

Outreach Librarian – I focus primarily on NNLM membership – national policies, procedures and technology, and Region 1 specifics like data/report integrity, streamlining, and ongoing improvement. I especially enjoy our funded health information outreach project partnerships and am always inspired by the good work done by those we support.

Other than COVID, what medical/health topic is on your mind? 

Disparities in food access depending on zip code – such a long-term inequity. Projects like virtual supermarkets, community gardens, and mobile food pantries have great impact and are encouraging but the need far surpasses the outreach.

What advice would you give others who are interested in doing health outreach work in their communities?

Rather than making assumptions about what a community needs, inquire, deferring to imbedded and connected community members, as trusted partners, to guide health outreach in their communities.

Unrelated to health librarianship, what is your favorite indulgence? 

Leisure time for reading – a mix of fiction and non-fiction – and learning, just for enjoyment. Travel is part of that, too, but I haven’t achieved pre-pandemic comfort with it yet.

Image of the author ABOUT fsteele
Faith Steele, MLS, is the Outreach and Education Librarian for Region 1 for the Network of the National Library of Medicine at the University of Maryland Baltimore. She connects libraries to community health partners, provides training and funding to help communities access quality health information.

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