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Reaching out to the Public Health Workforce

Posted by on January 27th, 2022 Posted in: Blog, NNLM, PHDL Resources, Public Health

The Network of the National Library of Medicine’s Public Health Collaborative (PHC) grew out of a small, informal working group in 2019.  The group’s goal was to expand NNLM programming and outreach to the public health workforce.  In 2021, the group evolved into the Public Health Collaborative (PHC), a working group of the NNLM and the NPHCO’s Public Health Coordination Office.  Today, the PHC advises NNLM on matters of strategy and policy pertaining to public health engagement and works  to improve and expand outreach, activities and training opportunities for the public health workforce.

The PHC has also partnered with a number of public health associations including the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing (NCHEC) to provide CE credit for the public health workforce.   Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) credits are available for many of the classes and webinars offered by the NNLM.

Currently plans are underway for offering a number of webinars and classes in the 2022-2023 year.

Public Health Curriculum /Classes

  • Effective Health Communication and Health Literacy
  • From Problem to Prevention: Evidence Based Public Health
  • Health Statistics on the Web
  • Rural Health Resources

2022 -2023 PHC Webinar Series:

Other public health programs offered by the NNLM:

  • Many of the NNLM’s Regions offer webinars and classes on public health topics.  Please visit the NNLM’s Events Calendar to learn more about upcoming programs.
  • NNLM’s Guides and Resources focus on multiple public health topics including Emergency and Disaster, HIV/AIDS, Public Health, and Substance Use Disorder.  Resource guides are available on the NNLM’s website.
  • State and local public health departments may subscribe to the Public Health Digital Library.  The PHDL’s digital collection of databases, journals and eBooks support evidence-based practice in the field. The goal of this program is to enhance the public’s health by expanding NNLM’s engagement with the diverse public health workforce.

For more information on the Public Health Collaborative or the NNLM’s Public Health Coordination Office, reach out to the NPHCO at phdl@umassmed.edu.

Image of the author ABOUT Kathy Downing
Kathy Downing is the Public Health Digital Library Coordinator for the NNLM Public Health Coordination Office.

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NNLM Public Health Coordination Office University of Massachusetts Medical School 55 Lake Avenue North Worcester, MA 01655 (508) 856-7633
This has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012347 with the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

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